Research Associate或者Research Engineer,硕士毕业有资格。Project Officer,本科毕业有资格。名称不同,但其实都是给老板做项目,只是RF自然要承担多一些,老板期望也会更高chenyan0122(站内联系TA)待遇的话,RF3500+,也有可能4000多,要看自己背景以及老板打算给多少,但应该不会少于3500yuboar(站内联系T...
Position 1: Research Assistant / Research Associate in NUS: Job scope:This full-time Research Assistant (with Honours degree) or Research Associate (with Master’s degree) position will ideally also be enrolled as a part-time PhD student at the NUS Department of Geography, working with A/P W...
Research Associate或者Research Engineer,硕士毕业有资格。Project Officer,本科毕业有资格。名称不同,但...
Application, salary etc: Appointment as a PhD Research Fellow is for three years. Employment stops automatically at the end of the period. The holder of the scholarship is not allowed to have other paid employment during the three-year period. The successful applicant will be employed in accorda...
就是research fellow。没有区别。NUS工资起薪据说是3800新元/月,但是没有每年的Bonus。ntu起薪3500新元/月,每年至少有一个月的工资作为bonus,平均下来差不多。老板没说salary是多少请各位大侠指教! 可以直接问他就是了。实在不好意思的话,就等着电子版的offer发给你之后再看好了,那里边有。
Research Associate或者Research Engineer,硕士毕业有资格。Project Officer,本科毕业有资格。名称不同,但...