运行nuget update命令更新已安装的包。 若要重新安装所有 NuGet 包,请删除包文件夹,然后运行nuget install命令。 若要重新安装单个包,请删除包文件夹,然后运行nuget install <id>命令,其中<id>参数是具体包的 ID。 备注 对于dotnet CLI,不需要相同的过程。 运行dotnet restore命令时,dotnet CLI 使用 NuGet 来...
Update-Package 支持以下常见PowerShell 参数:Debug、Error Action、ErrorVariable、OutBuffer、OutVariable、PipelineVariable、Verbose、WarningAction 和 WarningVariable。示例ps 复制 # Updates all packages in every project of the solution Update-Package # Updates every package in the MvcApplication1 project ...
Install-Package https://globalcdn.nuget.org/packages/microsoft.aspnet.mvc.5.2.3.nupkg 3. 更新/重新安装包 Update-Package(Visual Studio 中的包管理器控制台) 命令: Update-Package [-Id] <string> [-IgnoreDependencies] [-ProjectName <string>] [-Version <string>] ...
To update all the packages in your solution, first restore them, and then you can either use NuGet.exe to update the packages or from within Visual Studio you can update the packages from the Package Manager Console window, or finally you can use the Manage Packages dialog. From the comman...
若要更新現有已安裝的套件,可以先以 Get-Package -Updates 取得所有相關的更新套件名稱與版本,然後再執行 Update-Packages <套件名稱> 即可自動更新,如下圖示:完整的使用方式可以參考 NuGet Docs 網站的 Finding and Installing a NuGet Package Using the Package Manager Console 文件說明。
Update-Package 在控制台中使用 NuGet CLI 还可以使用NuGet CLI执行大多数控制台操作。 但是,PowerShell 控制台命令在 Visual Studio 已保存的项目和解决方案的上下文中运行,并且通常比其等效的 NuGet CLI 命令完成更多操作。 例如,通过Install-Package安装包会添加对项目文件的引用,但 NuGet CLI 命令则不会执行此...
Microsoft.AspNetCore.All Microsoft.AspNetCore.App Microsoft.NETCore.App NETStandard.Library To update multiple packages to their latest versions, choose them in the NuGet package list, and then select Update. You can also update an individual package from the Installed tab. For this case, you ca...
Update README.md Jul 13, 2022 NuKeeper Why is NuKeeper Archived Automagically update NuGet packages in all .NET projects. Installation Installation is very easy. Just run this command and the tool will be installed. Install:dotnet tool install nukeeper --global ...
Discover packages by tag. Set up a test repository of packages, both Duality and others. Do some test installs and dependency resolves. Consider moving Duality package management into a separate editor library. Update the NuGet dependency to 4.X. Gradually fix all the broken things until it...
As for any NuGet packages, you can improve your libraries and push an updated package version to NuGet. To create an updated package, simply rebuild your solution and Visual Studio 2015 will automatically update the package version number. Then rebuild the project and repeat the steps previously...