找到名称后,使用Install-Package命令安装包。 例如,要安装Elmah.MVC软件包,请输入: PowerShell Install-PackageElmah.MVC 有关这些命令的更多详细信息,请参阅“查找包和安装包”部分。 提示 许多控制台操作都需要在 Visual Studio 中打开具有已知路径名的解决方案。 如果你有未保存的解决方案,或者没有解决方案,则会...
From within Visual Studio you can use thePackage Manager Consoleto also update the packages. This has the benefit that any PowerShell scripts will be run as part of the update where as using NuGet.exe will not run them. The following command will update all packages in every project to th...
The NuGet CLI,nuget.exe, is the command-line utility for Windows that provides all NuGet capabilities. To update an installed package, run thenuget updatecommand. To reinstall all NuGet packages, delete the package folder and then run thenuget installcommand. ...
Get-Package-updates To update a specific package: PowerShell Update-Package<PackageName> To update all packages in a project: PowerShell Update-Package-ProjectName<ProjectName> To update all packages in the solution: PowerShell Update-Package ...
本文內容 1. NuGet Visual Studio extension 2. NuGet Package Explorer 3. NuGet.exe Command Line 相關連結 長久以來微軟的開發平台一直都沒有像其他開發平台常見的套件管理工具,像是 PHP 就有 PEAR 可用、Perl 也有 PPM (Perl package manager),甚至 Python 也有 PyPM (Python Package Manager) 等等。大...
MSBuild-Integrated Package Restore Prior to NuGet 2.7, an MSBuild-Integrated Package Restore approach was used and promoted. While this approach is still available, the NuGet team suggests using the Automatic Package Restore and Command-Line Package Restore instead. ...
Nuget is a good way to distribute libraries and even more, there exist a bunch of UI and command lines to manage nuget package. I used to execute command line to automatically produce nuget package from project or solution but it is limited to most common pattern (library packaging). I ...
This repo containsdesign proposalsfor NuGet. It focuses on designs for the NuGet client tooling, NuGet.org public repository, and NuGet Package Manager inside Visual Studio. Documentation and Further Learning NuGet Docs The NuGet Docs are the ideal place to start if you are new to NuGet. ...
Nuget command linehttps://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/v3.2.0-rc/nuget.exe Why did we move to the dist model? We moved off codeplex and we wanted a new easy-to-find place for the binaries. NuGet 3.2 command line has some breaking changes from NuGet.exe 2.8, and although ...
Nuget command linehttps://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/v3.2.0-rc/nuget.exe Why did we move to the dist model? We moved off codeplex and we wanted a new easy-to-find place for the binaries. NuGet 3.2 command line has some breaking changes from NuGet.exe 2.8, and although ...