19 January 2017 Occasionally I run into an issue where I’ll open a solution in Visual Studio, build it, and the build will fail because of dependent packages. I’ll try every way offered by Visual Studio to restore packages, but it will claim everything is up to date. Looking in Solu...
默认情况下,重新安装或更新包常常会安装包源中提供的最新版本。 但是,使用packages.config管理格式的项目可将允许的 NuGet 包版本限制在特定范围内。 假设应用由于包 API 中发生重大更改而只能与版本 1.x 包一起使用,但不能与版本 2.0 或更高版本一起使用。 若要确保应用如预期正常工作,则要约束 NuGet 包只能...
使用Nuget 安装指定版本package或者更新package到指定版本 最近在琢磨MVC和EntityFramework,使用的VS是2013版的,在Nuget的GUI界面下安装了EntityFramework(默认安装最新版的,怎么安装指定版本还没找到),按照MVC的示例项目MusicStore逐步做的过程中发现MVC4不支持EntityFramwok 6。 尝试去更新MVC版本各种失败,只能试着去降低...
I am unable to update packages, consolidate version, add packages or even remove packages using the Package Manager. I was able to reduce the errors by removing dependencies to the packages in individual projects, but now I have to put them back. I tried editing the ...
[Issue 474: Removing Packages Affects All Project In Solution](http://nuget.codeplex.com/workitem/474)候选发布自CTP 2 以来在此候选发布中所做的更改如下。 访问问题跟踪器以查看 bug 的完整列表。[Updating Package from Console does not update dependencies.](http://nuget.codeplex.com/workitem/443...
Yes, I know that we can download and reference the "MySql.Data.dll" manually, but that's not the intended use of nuget packages. Are there other users with the same problem and possible solutions how to install the nuget package anyway?
在国内垃圾的网络环境下,我在虚拟机里面安装了 Ubuntu 系统,准备用来测试 MAUI 在 Linux 上的行为,...
(可选)NuGet 具有两种格式,项目可以使用包:PackageReference和packages.config。若要设置默认格式,请选择“工具>选项”,展开“NuGet 程序包管理器”,选择“常规”,然后选择“默认包管理格式”。 有关详细信息,请参阅选择默认包管理格式。 卸载包 若要卸载 NuGet 包,请执行以下步骤: ...
Updating the SolutionTo update your solution, delete the Component entry from the solution:The NuGet package will remain listed in the Packages node and your app will compile and run as usual. In future, updates to this package will be performed via the NuGet update feature:...
This would leave us either with creating our own packages or not updating until you put out another major release. As an aside, your current package doesn't list a dependency on JQuery 1.7.1 which would be helpful because updating to 1.7.2 broke Kendo for us. One option I could ...