所有资源都可以通过我们的网页https://ntu-aris.github.io/ntu_viral_dataset/进行访问和查询 数据集比较 传感器配置 数据集分为了是三个序列 EEE序列:数据从NTU的EEE学院采集得到,该地区四面都是高大的建筑群,这对基于激光雷达的SLAM是有...
Among many factors, public datasets play an important role in the progress of this field, as they waive the tall order of initial investment in hardware and manpower. However, for research on autonomous aerial systems, there appears to be a relative lack of public datasets on par with those...
viral_eval Matlab scripts to calculate the position estimation error, this is part of the NTU VIRAL DATA SUITE Please find the instruction for usage at ourweb page If you use this resource, please cite our work @article{nguyen2021ntuviral, title={NTU VIRAL: A Visual-Inertial-Ranging-Lidar ...
Matlab scripts to quickly calculate the position estimation error for the NTU VIRAL DATASET - viral_eval/evaluate_all.m at master · ntu-aris/viral_eval
lisätietoja tuotteet pac-manin pizzantuoksuinen historia olemme kipittäneet karkuun haamuilta ja ahmineet kirsikoita jo yli 40 vuotta. nyt palaamme legendaarisen pelin juurille. pac-man ei ole pelkkä peli. pac-man-hahmon tunnistavat kaikenikäiset pelaajat – ja jopa ihmiset...
http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/sychew A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Sing Yian CHEW at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, to a highly motivated candidate who has a passion for non-viral gene delivery and tissue engineering research. This is a joint project...
ntu-aris / viral_eval Public Notifications Fork 2 Star 12 Commit Permalink same Browse files master brytsknguyen committed Feb 6, 2021 1 parent 709b5fb commit 4ddc218 Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 2 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified 2 ...
ntu-aris / viral_eval Public Notifications Fork 2 Star 12 Commit Permalink added the tightfig script Browse files master brytsknguyen committed Feb 6, 2021 1 parent 0b84763 commit 57c9e2c Showing 2 changed files with 124 additions and 1 deletion. Whitespace Ignore whitespace ...