另外,紫檀芪(20μmol/L)显著上调氧化应激MC3T3-E1中c-myc和Nrf2的蛋白表达量(**P<0.01).干扰c-myc表达可有效抑制紫檀芪对氧化应激MC3T3-E1的Nrf2蛋白表达量(**P<0.01),细胞活力(**P<0.01),LDH漏出量(**P<0.01),caspase-3活性(**P<0.01)和ROS水平(**P<0.01)的作用.结论 紫檀芪可通过c-myc调控Nrf2表达...
c-Myc showed the same age and induction profile while the age increase in Bach1 was further induced by nPM. Chronic exposure to nanoparticles induced Nrf2-regulated detoxifying enzymes in brain (cerebellum), liver, and lung of young adult mice, indicating a systemic impact of nPM. In contrast...
这些数据表明,HNF4α促进Nrf2激活,而cMyc抑制Nrf2功能。在HNF4α-KO条件下,cMyc被诱导,进而抑制Nrf2,导致更高程度的肝损伤。而在HNF4α-KO中抑制cMyc,即在DKO小鼠中,Nrf2激活恢复,导致GSH快速补充,肝损伤减轻。 图7 APAP造模后D...
(NRF2). Furthermore, we demonstrated that the suppression of c-MYC by salicylate is required for NRF2-mediated activation ofmiR-34aexpression. The induction ofmiR-34awas necessary for multiple tumor suppressive effects of salicylate, including the repression of cell viability, migration, invasion, ...
Chowdhry S, Zhang Y, McMahon M, Sutherland C, Cuadrado A, Hayes JD (2013) Nrf2 is controlled by two distinct beta-TrCP recognition motifs in its Neh6 domain, one of which can be modulated by GSK-3 activity. Oncogene 32 (32): 3765–3781. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Cleary SP...
(F) Immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining of c-MYC and quantitation in KP NRF2 tumors after 17 days of treatment with DMSO or romidepsin (n = 4 tumor sections, Fisher’s least significant difference [LSD] statistical test; related to Figures 2I and 2J). (G) Rank plot of gene promoter H...
Representative blot pictures and densitometric evaluations (relative myc (β-TrCP)/GFP (Nrf2) signal) are depicted. (n = 6, mean +SD; *P < 0.05, Welch's t-test, two tailed, α = 0.05). In conclusion, activation of AMPK can prolong abundance of Nrf2. The identified phosphosites at S...
前列腺癌组织中Nrf2,c-Myc 蛋白 表达变化及意doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-266X.2018.05.024郝斌苗志刚袁媛季德才Shandong Medical Journal