NRDANatural Resource Damage Assessment NRDANos Reservamos El Derecho de Admisión(Spanish: We Reserve the Right to Admission) NRDANear-Resonance Decoupling Approach NRDA21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act of 2003 NRDANorthwest Regional Development Agency(UK) ...
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必应词典为您提供nrda的释义,网络释义: 自然资源损害评估(Natural Resource Damage Assessment);自然资源损害评估方法;自然资源危害评价;
US NRDA National Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) and Restoration Program The National Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Program is administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior. Its intent is to restore natural resources injured as a result of oil spills or hazardous substance releas...
本文主要研究了国际主流的2个溢油环境损害评估体系,IMO的《溢油环境损害评估指南》[1]和美国的基于1990年油污法的自然资源损害评价指导性文件(NRDA),为我国的溢油环境损害评估提供参考。 1、IMO指南和NRDA的主要内容 国际上有2个著名的油污基金可以用于海上油污环境损害赔偿,其中一个是国际油污基金,基于国际油污赔偿...
我国学者借鉴NRDA体系等开展了大量研究,提出环境损害鉴定评估,溢油生态损害评估等方法,并在塔斯曼海号溢油,蓬莱19-3油田溢油等典型案例中进行应用及优化,比较了不同评估方法差异及影响因素.评估损失必须首先确定事件对海洋生态的影响范围与影响程度,受体... 秦晓光,龚婉卿,谭赛章,... - 《Research of Environmental...
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Construction of a nrdA::luxCDABE Fusion and Its Use in Escherichia coli as a DNA Damage Biosensor The promoter of nrdA gene which is related with DNA synthesis was used to construct a DNA damage sensitive biosensor. A recombinant bioluminescent E. coli ... H Ee,A Joo,K Byoung,... - ...
The next step in the process, which is based on the Trustees’ decision to conduct a full NRDA, is the Injury Assessment Phase. During this phase, the Trustees will implement studies to evaluate the extent, severity, and duration of impacts from the oil spill. Some of these studies may ne...
Shell West NRDA West Lobe Project Features – West Lobe Shell West NRDA West Lobe features include: Marsh fill platform approximately 5,600 linear feet +2.5’ NAVD88 Containment dike 878,000 cy 134 acres Beach/Dune constructed approximately 7,000 linear feet +8.0’ NAVD88 Uniform width of 38...