商品名称:汤浅(YUASA)NP系列蓄电池 7Ah/12Ah/18Ah/24Ah UPS不间断电源蓄电池 商品编号:ECS001632 品牌:汤浅 上架时间:2022-11-03 商品毛重:7.800千克 容量:0~30Ah 电池型号Battery Model 额定电压(V) Nominal Volt 额定容量(Ah)Capacity 外形尺寸(mm)Dimension 重量(Kg)Approx Weight L长 W宽 H高 H总高...
The NP product line covers the entire spectrum of battery sizes, ranging from 0.8 Ah to 65 Ah in 4, 6, and 12 volt varieties. We also offer the NPX and NPH Series batteries, designed for high rate discharge applications. These batteries are used primarily where high wattage is required fo...
For the NP-100v12 we will be using a 12 volt sealed lead acid (SLA) battery as the power supply (hence v12). The two filaments are pinned 4 to 9 and 9 to 5, with pin 9 as a center tap. One can apply 12.6 volts across pins 4 and 5, or 6.3 volts to pins 4 and 5 with...
BATTERY CHARGER NG5 F8BVMX-030406 SERIAL NO.: 06024 02186 NZM2-XR380-440AC CIMR-G7A43P7 CIMR-VB4A0005BBA CIMR-HB4A0024FBC CIMR-HB4A0018FBC E3FB-RN11 3WL1225-4CB35-4AN2 C98043-A7042-L1-6 TSC-V-15 6SL3200-0SP0-0AA0 6GK7343-1EX30-0XE0 6GK7443-5DX04-0XE0 6SL3055-0AA00-5CA2...
劳斯莱斯CANOPY082 尼萨昂纳拉NP300 21年版可opy安装指南说明书 INSTALLATION GUIDE IMPORTANT: Vehicle electrical wiring installations should only be done by a qualified person and it’s the responsibility of this person to ensure correct wiring D A T E O F I S S U E PINNACLE 2 CANOPY WIRIN...