所卖的YUASA电瓶/汤浅电池确保是原装真品,假一罚十,签合同,38AH之上出現不是人为产品质量问题三年内完全免费拆换同样型号规格的全新升级充电电池,请广大群众安心购置! 公司环境战略方针 : 遵循政策法规、保护生态环境、节能减排 防止环境污染、全员参与、持续改善 公司名字:广东省汤浅电池有限责任公司 YUASA BATTERY(...
所卖的YUASA电瓶/汤浅电池确保是原装真品,假一罚十,签合同,38AH之上出現不是人为产品质量问题三年内完全免费拆换同样型号规格的全新升级充电电池,请广大群众安心购置! 公司环境战略方针 : 遵循政策法规、保护生态环境、节能减排 防止环境污染、全员参与、持续改善 公司名字:广东省汤浅电池有限责任公司 YUASA BATTERY(...
电压:12(V)V 荷电状态:免维护蓄电池 额定容量:7AHmAh 适用范围:UPS蓄电池 产品认证:UL NP7-12L Yuasa 12v 7Ah sealed lead acid battery - Wide TerminalReliability is your securityYuasa NP Batteries are general purpose batteries for use in a wide range of applications including alarm systems...
R E C 10-12 Valve Regulated Design The batteries are equipped with a simple, safe low pressure venting system which releases excess gas and automatically reseals should there be a build up of gas within the battery due to severe overcharge. Note. On no account should the battery be charged...
np200-12 12 200 520 240 245 理士蓄电池:www.lishixudianchi.com.cn mca蓄电池:www.mcaxudianchi.cn 蓄电池:www.atdxdc.com 信源蓄电池:www.xinyuanxudianchi.com 长光蓄电池:www.cgbchangguang.com 东洋蓄电池:www.toyodongyangxdc.com 美美蓄电池:www.bbmmxdc.com csb蓄电池: www.csb-bbattery.com 科华...
汤浅YUAS蓄电池NP7-12/12V7AH厂家直销 详细信息 品牌:汤浅蓄电池 型号:齐全 电压:12V 适用范围:太阳能;风能;叉车;UPS;通信用;电力用;铁路用;内燃机车用;煤矿用;航空用;水利用;地质用;医疗用;轨道交通用 汤浅YUAS蓄电池NP7-12/12V7AH厂家直销汤浅YUAS蓄电池NP7-12/12V7AH厂家直销汤浅YUAS蓄电池NP7...
If you give the flagship machine with the big battery, so thousands of machines will lose the actual use, if you think it is not only a flagship mobile phone is also equipped with high performance, large capacity battery, long life time, then who is going to buy the performance in genera...
电池型号额定电压额定容量外形尺寸参考重量端子形式(V)(AH)Extermal dimensions(kg)BatteryRatedRated长宽高总高ReferenceTerminalmodelVoltageCapacityLengthWedthHeightTotalHeightWeightformNP4.0-1212490701021051.4T1/T2NP4.5-12124.590701021051.45T1/T2NP5.0-1212590701021051.5T1/T2NP7.0-12127.16T1/T2NP7.2-12127.2.28...
Battery Type: Valve Regulated sealed lead acid battery Standard: JIS, DIN, IEC & BS6290-4 Model No.: NP7-12 Nominal Voltage: 12V Nominal capacity: 7Ah Dimension: 151*65*94*100 Weight: 2.0-2.15kgs Terminal: F1/F2 Send your message to this supplier ...
铅酸电池有2伏,4伏,6伏,8伏,12伏,24伏等系列,容量从20 2V铅酸蓄电池 0毫安时到3000安时。VRLA电池是基于AGM(吸液玻璃纤维板)技术和钙栅板的可充电电池,具有优越的大电流放电特性和超长的使用寿命。它在使用中不需加水。 VRLA电池 编辑 VRLA电池(ValveRegulatedLeadAcidBattery)用途广泛,可用在电动工具,应急灯...