Once the interpreter has developed good skills in note-taking, he or she may be regarded as having formed a particular note-taking system, which can be guided by some principles. This paper presents Rozan's seven basic principles and some practical hints from some veteran interpreters to help...
Note-takingskills笔记技巧 1 OverviewofNote-taking Whytakenotes?Thelengthofthetextspeaker:130-200w/mnote-taker:30-70w/mFiguresandpropernames Problemswithmemory 20minutes 2 Whytakenotes?▲The objectiveofnote-takingistosupplementmemoryefficiently.Aslighttwistofthemeaningofasinglewordcouldmean...
Forgetting is a thorny problem not only in the theory of interpretation,but also in the practice of interpreting without notes.Human's memory ability is limited,therefore one auxiliary method,note-taking in interpretation,is necessary to help interpreters maintain information obtained through memorizing....
The purpose of note-taking in consecutive interpreting is to suppleme nt memory efficiency so as to facilitate the listening-transference-speaking p rocess. 即席翻译中译员由于短时记忆不足,需要借助口译记录才能将口译有效地进行下去。 2) information store skills ...
Note-taking in___ Interpretation SkillsinInterpretation Note-takinginInterpretation(1)Abbreviations(1)Asisknowntoall,abbreviationsarequitehelpfulininterpretation.TherearelargenumbersofabbreviationsbothinChineseandEnglish.Theycanbeusedinnote-taking.Byusingthem,wewillsavealotoftimeinourinterpretingnotetaking.Abbreviation...
for other languages. It thus constitutes a course which offers student interpreters in any language combination a sound and adaptable base on which to build as they develop their skills. It will also be a valuable resource for interpreter trainers looking for innovative ways of approaching this ...
Memory and Note-taking in Interpretation 来自 知网 喜欢 0 阅读量: 51 作者: Y Yang 摘要: Memory has been playing an important role in interpretation.A successful interpretation always leads to a good memory,the composition and operation of which can be a great guidance to interpretation study...
To gain a better understanding of the skills and competencies needed on the path to consecutive expertise, this study collects empirical data from 22 professional interpreters and 22 students in terms of both the process and product of note-taking and CI in two interpreting directions. Important ...