When i created the scala project there was no resources directory in test, i had to create it (along with the features directory). The error occurs when i run RunCucumber Any advice please for a newbie? I understand the issue, ...
我已经用play 2.3.7创建了一个play项目。 在项目目录中,我运行了activator并运行了eclipse命令以生成Eclipse项目文件。 当我进入eclipse时(我从Typesafe Build ID:4.0.0-vfinal-20150119-1023-Typesafe使用Scala IDE时,我的Application.scala文件中存在错误: object index is not a member of package views.html 我...
1.上官网下载压缩包 官网地址:https://www.scala-sbt.org/download.html我下载的是sbt-0.13.15.tgz 2、解压 $ sudo tar zxvf...、测试是否安装成功 $sbtsbt-version 安装完成后在/home/hammerjam路径下并没有.sbt,但是直接cd .sbt就能进入目录了。
【Spark】Error:scalac: Scala compiler JARs not found (module ‘Spark_Competition‘): ...,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
运行后没反应,控制台也没有弹出来,在build里看到的报错如图,本来以为是scala写的不对,试了个hello world也没跑起来,同样的报错,应该是项目哪里配置有问题[INFO] Scanning for projects...[ERROR] [ERROR] Could not find the selected project in the reactor: cn.itcast:crawler @ ...
(Also work with Kotlin, Groovy and Scala projects) [1199星][2m] [Java] javiersantos/piracychecker An Android library that prevents your app from being pirated / cracked using Google Play Licensing (LVL), APK signature protection and more. API 14+ required. [781星][2m] sh4hin/androl4b ...
Build using Scala 2.12 Scala sub-project 'gatling_tests' doesn't have Scoverage applied and will be ignored in parent project aggregation > Task :core:scheduler:compileScala [Error] /home/tarik/Desktop/scriptie/openwhisk/openwhisk/core/scheduler/src/main/scala/org/apache/openwhisk/core/scheduler/FPC...
在使用Scala 2.13的scala-xml库时,如果出现ClassNotFoundException,可能是由于以下原因导致的: 缺少依赖:在使用scala-xml库时,需要确保正确引入了相关的依赖。可以通过在项目的构建文件(如build.sbt)中添加以下依赖来解决该问题: 缺少依赖:在使用scala-xml库时,需要确保正确引入了相关的依赖。可以通过在项目的...
简介:Flink V1.13.1 +Scala 2.11.8 提交任务后,报错Caused by: org.apache.flink.shaded.guava18.com.google.common.util.concurrent.UncheckedExecutionException: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Not a version: 9 ,遂排查与解决。 一.引言 Flink V1.13.1 + Scala 2.11.8 提交任务后,报错 Caused by: org...
I am currently getting the following error on all my scala files: -target is deprecated: Scala 2.12 cannot emit valid class files for targets newer than 8 (this is possible with Scala 2.13). Use -release to compile against a specific platform API version. This disables all the compilation ...