For some reason the .classpath file is omitting two JARs that seem to be the "scala Library container" . When I manually add them the the .classpath file, it works. I don't find this solution very clean though, so If anybody has a better suggestion, i'm all ears. Lines added to...
.java:[17909,37] cannot find symbol [ERROR] symbol : class Parser [ERROR] location: package [ERROR] === 聚甲醛 下面是 pom.xml 文件,去掉了 groupId 和 artifactId: <project> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <parent> <groupId>***</groupId> <artifactId>***</...
Hi guys, I have used a simple setup following your conventions and got the following error: Cannot infer Scala class path because no Scala library Jar was found I have run gradle gatlingRun. build.gradle: plugins { id "com.github.lkishal...
2021-05-10 14:00:45,645 [ 8850] DEBUG - BackendServerFileEditorManager - Opening host editor for C:/Users/e626703/OneTruth/OneTruth/onetruth-library/onetruth-nifi-processor-library/onetruth-nifi-processor-jar/src/main/java/com/ucb/onetruth/nifi/processor/gim...
scala 项目 idea 出现【 Cannot find declaration to go to】 在网上找了一些解决方案,尝试了几个,最终解决方案如下: 1. 先 close project 2. 然后到你要打开的工程目录下面把 .idea 文件夹删除 3.在打开idea,出现以下画面 最后就好了... FM和FFM原理 ...
技术标签:scala 出现如下: Description Resource Path Location Type Archive for required library: 'D:/maven/repository/org/apache/spark/spark-catalyst... 查看原文 Maven编译打包spark(2.1.0)源码及出现问题的解决方案(win7+Intellij IDEA) :typeSparkFlumeProtocol 解决方案:有时需要重复进行几次 问题3、 \spa...
>>> The project can build correctly with Gradle. Now I want to add Scala >>> support into it. When I ran "sbt compile", I got the following error: >>> >>> [error] /path/to/my/project/ cannot find symbol
Lisp的本质(The Nature of Lisp)学习思考 作者 Slava Akhmechet 译者 Alec Jang 出处: 简介 最初在web的某些角落偶然看到有人赞美Lisp时, 我那时已经是一个颇有经验的程序员。在我的履历上, 掌握的语言范围相当广泛, 象C++, Java, C#主流语言等等都不在话下,...
[INFO] +- org.scala-lang:scala-library:jar:2.9.0-1:compile [INFO] +- org.neo4j:neo4j-kernel:jar:tests:1.4-SNAPSHOT:compile [INFO] | \- org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-jta_1.1_spec:jar:1.1.1:compile [INFO] +- org.neo4j:neo4j-lucene-index:jar:1.4-SNAPSHOT:compile ...
请注意,我弄乱了 $LD_LIBRARY_PATH。目前,当我运行 echo it 时,我得到: /usr/local/lib/:/usr/:/usr/lib/:/usr/local/ 是的……正如你所知道的,我不知道如何设置 $LD_LIBRARY_PATH 我也跑了: apt-getinstall protobuf-compiler === 协议安装 我忘记了我为使 protoc 工作所做的工作,但是当...