normalized cross correlation算法-回复 什么是标准化互相关算法(Normalized Cross Correlation Algorithm)及其应用? 标准化互相关算法(Normalized Cross Correlation Algorithm)是一种用于模式匹配和图像识别的算法。通过比较两个信号或图像之间的相似性,该算法可以识别出信号中的特定特征并进行匹配。标准化互相关算法广泛应用...
Shou-Der Wei , Shang-Hong Lai, Efficient normalized cross correlation based on adaptive multilevel successive elimination, Proceedings of the 8th Asian conference on Computer vision, November 18-22, 2007, Tokyo, JapanWei, S.D., Lai, S.H.: Efficient Normalized Cross Co...
网络释义 1. 归一化互相关函数 缩略语 NCC 的查询结果 ... negative corona charging 负电晕充电normalized cross correlation function归一化互相关函数...|基于14个网页 2. 归一化相互关函数|基于2个网页 3. 一化互相干函数 ...
该方法可能作为普遍使用的规格互相关(normalized cross-correlation)方法的互补。基于该误差方法,提出了Median Flow的对象 …|基于4个网页 3. 归一化互相关 归一化互相关,Normalized... ... )normalized cross-correlation归一化互相关) normalized cross correlation 归一化互相关 ... ...
3) normalized cross correlation 归一化互相关 1. Unlike traditional normalized cross correlation algorithm which only use edge points for matching,our new method imbedded local image information into cross correlation algorithm. 传统的基于边缘的归一化互相关算法仅仅利用边缘点进行匹配,新算法不仅利用边缘...
Algorithms based on normalized cross-correlation coefficients(NCC) are frequently used in template matching and feature tracking, but they have the drawback of high computational cost. By utilizing a set of box-like bases, we propose a new fast NCC computation algorithm taken in spatial domain. ...
The new algorithm in some cases provides an order of magnitude speedup over spatial domain computation of normalized the term is constant. If the term cross correlation (Section 5). is approximately constant then the remaining cross-correlation term Since we are presenting a version of a familiar...
5.New pitch detection algorithm based on LPC and normalized cross-correlation基于线性预测与归一化互相关的基音检测 6.Tumor recognition based on fast multi-subwindow normalized cross correlation基于多子窗口快速归一化互相关的肿瘤识别 7.The regressive analysis is that the data of engineering and scientific...
• If theimageenergy,f2(x,y)varieswith position, The SSDA algorithm is simple and provides a signi,-matchi ng usi ng(1)can f ai l .For example, the corre- cant speedup over spatial domai n cross-correlation. It lation between the feature and an exactly matching has the disadvantage ...
1) the removing mean normalized cross-correlation matching method 去均值归一化互相关算法 2) mean-residual normalized correlation method 去均值归一化相关法 1. Based on the introduction of sequential similarity detection algorithm,invariant moment andmean-residual normalized correlation method,a new matching...