Normalized cross-correlation (NCC) is fast to compute but its accuracy is low. In this paper, we propose a fast, highly accurate NCC image matching algorithm. First, a wavelet pyramid is constructed to reduce feature point searching and matching times. Then, an NCC image matching algorithm is...
normalized cross-correlation算法normalized cross-correlation(NCC)算法是归一化互相关匹配法,是基于图像灰度信息的匹配方法。这种算法可以有效降低光照对图像比较结果的影响。而且NCC最终结果在0到1之间,特别容易量化比较结果,只要给出一个阈值就可以判断结果的好与坏。
1.NCC(Normalized Cross Correlation)归一化互相关原理和C++代码实现 【图像配准】基于灰度的模板匹配算法(一):MAD、SAD、SSD、MSD、NCC、SSDA、SATD算法_人工智能_hujingshuang-CSDN博客
Experiments show, the method improves the speed of cross correlation matching, and has certain robustness. 展开 关键词: Laplacian pyramid(LP cross correlation matching multi-scale edge 会议名称: International Conference on Computer Application & System Modeling ...
主要方法有:基于图像灰度相关方法、基于图像特征方法、基于神经网络相关的人工智能方法。 基于图像灰度的匹配算法简单,匹配准确度高,主要用空间域的一维或二维滑动模版进行图像匹配,不同的算法区别主要体现在模版及相关准则的选择方面,但计算量大,不利于实时处理,对灰度变化、旋转、形变以及遮挡等比较敏感; ...
实际上,这种操作亦应该是互相关(cross-correlation),而卷积需要把卷积核顺时针旋转180度然后再做点乘。 数学定义:卷积:互相关: 在卷积层的反向传播中,其实是需要对前一层的误差(也叫敏感度sensitivity)做padding(补零)然后再和卷积核做真正的卷积操作,也就是需要把卷积核顺时针翻转180度。
Cross-correlation on the sphere is a function of 3D-rotation and it can be computed in a space-invariant way through a 3D inverse DFT of a linear combination of spherical harmonics. However, if we intend to normalize the cross-correlation, the computation of the local image variance is a ...
An image registration technique is present that is based template matching by normalized cross-correlation. 对校正后的实时图,本文采用归一化互相关方法,进行模板匹配。 3. Then,normalized cross-correlation matching and probability support matching method are used to match the images feature points. 然后...
Although it is well known that cross correlation can be efficiently implemented in the transform domain, the normalized form of cross correlation preferred for feature matching applications does not have a simple frequency domain expression. Normalized cross correlation has been computed in the spatial ...
网络释义 1. 归一化互相关函数 缩略语 NCC 的查询结果 ... negative corona charging 负电晕充电normalized cross correlation function归一化互相关函数...|基于14个网页 2. 归一化相互关函数|基于2个网页 3. 一化互相干函数 ...