Delayed cord clamping had a minimal impact on the HR, likely reflecting an earlier onset of breathing.J?rgenErlandLindeJ?rnSchulzJeffreyMPerlmanKnut?ymarKargerNeonatologyLinde JE, Schulz J, Perlman JM, et al. Normal new- born heart rate in the first five minutes of life assessed by dry-...
The effect of maternal diabetes during pregnancy on insulin release of the newborn infant was examined employing arginine infusion as stimulus. At age 2 hr, 8 normal newborn infants, 6 of gestationally diabetic mothers (IGDM) and 4 of insulin dependent diabetic mothers (IDM) were infused with...
newborn is particularly important on that track. Caregivers should use as much as possible the intrinsic potential of the mother and her newborn baby to preserve their health, with salutogenic approach and by strengthening their resilience. In this chapter you will find some answers connecting ...
Synonyms and abbreviations: Pulse, heart rate (HR). In medicine, the term pulse rate refers to the number of pulses generated by the heart’s activity in the blood vessels during a specific unit of time (usually one minute). As a rule, the pulse rate coincides with the heart rate. Vari...
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Evaluation of the Resuscitation of the Newborn in the Birth Room of the Maternity Ward of the Gynecology-Obstetrics Department of Reference Health Center (... Birth is the transition from fetal life to ectopic life. This transition is usually smooth. Only 10% of newborns will need birth assist...
In the small number of cases in which ferritin was evaluated, no large differences were seen between individuals of varying gestational age. We did not measure ferritin values in mothers the day of the samplings. However, our normal values in the newborn range from 95 to 350 @g/liter and ...
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Why does sex (male or female) have the effect on Max HR? a. Males have smaller hearts that must beat faster in order to circulate the same amount of blood. b. Male and female hearts are equal in size and circulate the same amount of blood per beat...
New. Eng. J. Med. (1965) K. Tittel Ueber eine Angeborene Missbildung des Dickdarmes Wien. Klin. Wschr. (1901) Dalla Valle, A.: Contributo alla conoscenza della forme famigliare del megacolon congenito. Pediatria... Arch. de Med. d. Enf. (1925) J.A.M. Cameron On aetiology of ...