Head-up tilt test provokes dynamic alteration in total peripheral resistance and cardiac output in children with vasovagal syncope. Acta Paediatr. 107, 1786–1791 (2018). Article Google Scholar Novakova, Z., Honzikova, N., Zavodna, E., Hrstkova, H. & Vacalavkova, P. Baroreflex ...
Parents and teachers observe these differences but are often confused about how to describe the variation they see, the causes of this variation, and their meaning of various behavioral tendencies for the development of the child. This confusion is caused by the complexity of the processes involved...
Synonyms and abbreviations: Pulse, heart rate (HR). In medicine, the term pulse rate refers to the number of pulses generated by the heart’s activity in the blood vessels during a specific unit of time (usually one minute). As a rule, the pulse rate coincides with the heart rate. Vari...
(3) found serum iCT to be undetectable ( t 150pg/ml) in four of 15newborns of low and normal birth weight, up to 2 hr after birth. In this latter study, a marked increase in iCT occurred at 12 to 14 hr and again at 22 to 26 hr followed by a decrease at 44 to 48 hr; ...
作者: N Hr 摘要: Interest in the estimation of body fat mass (BF) and fat free mass (FFM) has increased in recent years due to its relationship to endocrine function, in particular growth hormone (GH) status and its change after exogenous GH therapy. Bioelectrical impedance is a reliable ...
Daddy is a weird one. If someone would call their lover the equivalent in my language, it would change the atmosphere immediately. GIF Voldemortina “Squirt” used to be a nickname you could call a child, like “buddy” or ” kiddo.” ...
Unlike other species in the nature, the human offspring and the birthing mother are protected institutionally by the whole society. This protection has to be in line with the natural rules and laws as much as possible in order to preserve natural evoluti
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