The effect of maternal diabetes during pregnancy on insulin release of the newborn infant was examined employing arginine infusion as stimulus. At age 2 hr, 8 normal newborn infants, 6 of gestationally diabetic mothers (IGDM) and 4 of insulin dependent diabetic mothers (IDM) were infused with...
Synonyms and abbreviations: Pulse, heart rate (HR). In medicine, the term pulse rate refers to the number of pulses generated by the heart’s activity in the blood vessels during a specific unit of time (usually one minute). As a rule, the pulse rate coincides with the heart rate. Vari...
5. The only basis for the prediction of an Rh-negative infant to be borne of a sensitized Rh-negative woman is first, the determination of the Hr status of the husband, and second, the trend of the maternal ante partum Rh antibody titer. If the husband is heterozygous (Rhrh) and the...
These included two infants with unilateral pulmonary hypoplasia and one infant who was catheterized following spontaneous closure of both a ventricular septa1 defect and a patent ductus arteriosus. Seventeen older children who failed to meet one or more of these criteria were excluded even though ...
Bleyer WA. Kakami N, Shepard T I971 The development of haemostasls in the human fetus and newborn infant. J Pediatr 79:838-853 29. Mibashan RS, Rodeck CH. Thumpson JK, Edwards RJ, Singer JD, White JM 1979 Plasma assay of fetal factors VIlIc and IX for prenatal diagnosis of ...
R. Holiday: The Haemoglobins of the Human Foetus and Infant. Electrophoretic and Spectroscopic Differentiation of Adult and Foetal Types. Biochemic. J. 49, 374 (1951). Benesch, R. E., H. A. Lardy and R. Benesch: The Sulfhydryl Groups of Crystalline Proteins. I. Some Albumins, Enzymes,...
for the normal healthy newborn is particularly important on that track. Caregivers should use as much as possible the intrinsic potential of the mother and her newborn baby to preserve their health, with salutogenic approach and by strengthening their resilience. In this chapter you will find ...
Intestinal obstruction in the newborn infant due to agenesis of the myenteric plexus (congenital megacolon) Pediatrics (1952) C.M. Madsen Hirschsprung's Disease (1964) W.O. Dobbins et al. Diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease excluded by rectal suction biopsy New. Eng. J. Med. (1965) K. ...
Periodic modulation throughout the 12-hr records was again pronounced. Respiratory rate and variability decreased across the agespan studied. Respiratory rate and variability were greatest when the infant was awake, lowest during QS, and intermediate during AS (Fig. 4). When group means for each ...
A total of four or five studies, lasting one to two hr, were performed on each infant while it was asleep. Serial studies were performed during the first two wk of life and subsequently at monthly intervals through four months of age. Each study was done in a quiet laboratory environment ...