node-red.github.ionode-red.github.ioPublic Node-RED Site JavaScript108153 node-red-ui-nodesnode-red-ui-nodesPublic Additional nodes for Node-RED Dashboard JavaScript13184 linux-installerslinux-installersPublic Node-RED install scripts for various flavours of Linux ...
node4 Alone SoLonely JustHere NotConnected red false If the icon field contains a value, it’s displayed instead of the title and subtitle. For a list of of available icons, refer to Icons Overview. Edges dataset Similar to the nodes dataset, the edges dataset needs one unique ID field ...
"allowFileDrop":"false","path":"worldmap","overlist":"CO,RA,DN","maplist":"OSMG,OSMH,EsriS","mapname":"","mapurl":"","mapopt":"","mapwms":false,"x":640,"y":540,"wires":[]},{"id":"2998e233.4ba64e","type":"function","z":"cb7b09e3354afd4c","name":"USGS Qua...
See here: Version 1.2.33 - May 2021 Gateway configuration -> Advanced Options -> Node list in all flows: added more infos to each node in the list, to allow more control on the nodes overview. The ...
pnpm add antd @ant-design/icons ### atailwind css pnpm add -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer npx tailwindcss init ## pnpm i crypto-js pnpm i axios pnpm i react-redux react-router-dom ## 优化器与path pnpm i vite-plugin-optimizer path -D ...
Use the Node-RED Discourse Forum: the Dashboard-ui channel inSlackto ask questions or to discuss new features. The current work in progress list is shown in theGithub Project. Contributing Before raising a pull-request, please read ourcontributing gui...
(__dirname, 'src/icons'), //后缀名是png glob: '*.png' }, //生成文件的设置 生成两种东西 雪碧图 css target: { //生成雪碧图(大图的)文件存放路径 image: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist/sprite/sprite.png'), //生成的css路径 css: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist/sprite/sprite.css') },...
5 - the list of fields your server part will receive inmsg.payloads. If in the point 7 we’ll have<input type="text" id="node-input-name"node red will render the field value on the server. This is a very important point. You can learn more here
async.series({ restoreUser: function(callback){ // import user element backup.get('users').find({_id:userId}, { stream: true, limit: 1 }).each(function(user) { dest.get('users').insert(user, function(e){ if (e) { console.log(e); } else { console.log('resored user: '+ ...
在进行文件操作的时候,首先需要引入文件系统模块。 let fs = require('fs '); 通过__dirname获取当前文件夹目录 读取文件 同步读取 fs.readFileSync(path[,options])举例: letfd=fs.readFileSync(__dirname+'/source/a.txt'); ...