component The component used for the root node ComponentType<CustomIconComponentProps> - rotate Rotate degrees (not working in IE9) number - spin Rotate icon with animation boolean false style The style properties of icon, like fontSize and color CSSProperties - About SVG icons# We introd...
Switch node with icon 1x1. Might need shade or border to see if background white it is difficult to see Environment Dashboard version: 1.12 Node-RED version: 4.0.5 Node.js version: npm version: Platform/OS: Win10 Browser: Firefox Have you provided an initial effort estimate for this issue...
Note that this will require your production Node.js server to be able to import JSON files (Note that as in Node.js v22,JSON modules are still an experimental feature). In the final build, it will contain statements like() => import('@iconify-json/ph/icons.json', { with: { type: ...
component The component used for the root node. ComponentType<CustomIconComponentProps> - rotate Rotate degrees (not working in IE9) number - spin Rotate icon with animation boolean false style Style properties of icon, like fontSize and color CSSProperties - About SVG icons # We introd...
A JavaScript Promise that will resolve with the added SVG Node. UIkit.icon(element).svg.then(function(svg) { svg.querySelector('path').style.stroke ='red'; }) Accessibility Set the appropriate WAI-ARIA roles, states and properties to the Icon component. ...
red = red.toString(16) green = green.toString(16) blue = blue.toString(16) return `#${red}${green}${blue}` } const clusters = [theme] for (let i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { clusters.push(tintColor(theme, Number((i / 10).toFixed(2))) }...
exportdefaultdefineNuxtConfig({modules:['@nuxt/icon'],icon:{clientBundle:{scan:{// note that when you specify those values, the default behavior will be overriddenglobInclude:['components/**/*.vue',/* ... */],globExclude:['node_modules','dist',/* ... */],},},},}) ...
<block wx:for="{{iconColor}}"> <!--体现颜色--> <icon type="success" size="40" color="{{item}}" /> </block> </view> js代码 Page({data: {iconSize: [20,30,40,50,60,70],iconColor: ['red','orange','yellow','green','rgb(0,255,255)','blue','purple'],iconType: ['...
component The component used for the root node. ComponentType<CustomIconComponentProps> - rotate Rotate degrees (not working in IE9) number - spin Rotate icon with animation boolean false style Style properties of icon, like fontSize and color CSSProperties - About SVG icons # We introd...