图标可用的在https://klarsys.github.io/angular-material-icons/ 都配置完成后 点击完成。 点击部署 这样我们就部署了一个按钮节点到Dashboard中, 部署后我们到哪里去看配好的页面那。 默认是到这个地址访问UI。 http:// ip+port/ui 以我的为例,Node-RED的访问地址是http:// 那么ui的...
Weather Icons Lite Material Design Iconfont PS:nodered的教程太长了,后边慢慢讲了。 -- -- -- -- -- -- END -- -- -- -- -- -- 我是小白,智能家居爱好者、一卡通行业从业者、曾经的建筑智能化从业者。致力为开源智能家居平台添砖加瓦。
Node-red使用的是一个在线的图标库(不联网的时候显然没办法使用),地址是https://material.io/tools/icons/?style=baseline 这个网页里有很多图标,我截取一些放在这里: 每个图标下边都有名字,如果你需要使用这个图标,把名字输入到Icon后边即可,例如按键0的图标: 既然是电话拨号按键,当然要有拨号的功能。我们让每一个...
This command creates a button that can be displayed with different icons, with or without a text label. If the button is drag and dropped onto other controls (e.g., HyperShade), the command will be executed and the return string will be used as the name of a dropped node. Return...
Car, Bus and Helicopter icons originally made byFreepikfromwww.flaticon.comare licensed byCC 3.0 BY. Readme Keywords node-red map world tak pmtiles esri gis
Button- the icon can be set using either Material or fa-icons - the colour and background colour may also be set. If the widget is sized to 1 wide the icon has precedence. Chart- has both line, bar and pie chart modes. Also the X-Axis labels can be customised using a date formatt...
You may also create your own set of icons usingIcofont. Once downloaded you can serve them locally via Node-RED and add them to the head of the dashboard page by using a ui_template node : e.g. <link rel="stylesheet" href="myserver/path/icofont.css"> ...
Your real-time SCADA dashboard is now live, displaying data flowing from your PLC via Modbus and MQTT, orchestrated by Node-RED. Ubidots’ SCADA widget comes with a rich library of standard icons commonly used in industrial settings. Plus, you can create custom icons to tailor your visualizat...
suffixIcon: Icon(Icons.add), ), ) suffixIcon默认是显示在右侧的,TextField被点击之后会显示为被选中状态,suffix默认不显示,只有当选中TextField的时候才会显示出来。 7. 辅助提示 TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: "下方带有辅助提示的TextField", ...
icon: Icon(Icons.account_box), labelText: "左侧有一个Icon", ), )复制代码 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. icon参数可以传入一个Icon对象用来显示在TextField的左侧,我们可以传入各式各样的Icon,满足我们更丰富的展示需求。 6. 右侧Icon suffix和suffixIcon ...