CAMERA EVENT NODE The Camera Event node connects toNVR, Camera, Radars, etc..and outputs true/false in case of an alarm. The node can be configured asCamera/NVR(with standard and smart events) or asOld Security SystemandRadar(with specific CID events, designed for these type of security d...
at Websocket.getStates (/config/node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket/dist/homeAssistant/Websocket.js:388:39) at getEntitiesSelect2 (/config/node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket/dist/routes.js:67:44) at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/o...
Wieppo Wigor Wiko WildRed Wileyfox Winds Wink Winmax Winnovo Winstar Wintouch Wiseasy WIWA WizarPos Wizz Wolder Wolfgang Wolki WONDER Wonu Woo Wortmann Woxter WOZIFAN WS X-AGE X-BO X-Mobile X-TIGI X-View X.Vision X88 X96 X96Q Xcell XCOM Xcruiser XElectron XGEM XGIMI Xgody Xiaodu Xia...
Node-RED库:Node-RED库是一组可在你的工作流程中使用的节点。你可以通过“Manage Palette”选项来安装和管理库中的节点。选择“Install”选项卡,并输入要安装的节点的名称,即可将其添加到你的Node-RED编辑器中。 这些是Node-RED的基本操作,通过这些操作,大家可以轻松地创建复杂的自动化工作流程,而无需编写任何代码。
描述:Node.js® 是一个基于 Chrome V8 引擎 的 JavaScript 运行时环境,它是目前非常火热的技术(正式开启JavaScript的后端开发之旅), 它在设计上类似于Ruby系统并受到Python的Twisted的影响启发,它作为异步事件驱动的JavaScript运行时,它旨在构建可伸缩的网络应用..
The component for a node is created and mounted when the node is edited, i.e., when the edit pane is to be shown. This happens within the Node-RED oneditprepare callback. The node properties are passed into the component's props. ...
在进行文件操作的时候,首先需要引入文件系统模块。 let fs = require('fs '); 通过__dirname获取当前文件夹目录 读取文件 同步读取 fs.readFileSync(path[,options])举例: letfd=fs.readFileSync(__dirname+'/source/a.txt'); ...
node4 Alone SoLonely JustHere NotConnected red false If the icon field contains a value, it’s displayed instead of the title and subtitle. For a list of of available icons, refer to Icons Overview. Edges dataset Similar to the nodes dataset, the edges dataset needs one unique ID field ...
下面我们一个部分一个部分的来讲这些文件的作用(大量代码预警) build-module.js: 入口文件, 与使用者进行交互的脚本。 通过问答的方式得到我们需要的三个核心变量目录(抽象模块), 模块(具体模块), 注释。如果是第一次执行这个脚本, 那么还会有配置相关的问题, 第一次设置完之后接下来的使用将不会再询问,若想修改...
consumed and processed by nodes. Nodes consist of code that runs in the Node-RED service (javascript .js file), and an HTML file consisting of a description of the node, so that it appears in the node pane with a category, colour, name and an icon, code to configure the node, and ...