“I would like to thank Jamie Rhome for his steady leadership as the acting NHC director through 14 named storms of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, including the newly retired hurricanes Ian and Fiona,” added Graham. Within the U.S. Department of Commerce, the National Hurricane Center i...
目前已有部分超级计算机模式预测中指出,在2021年末,Nino3.4海区的水温还可能进一步下降,甚至可能下降到比2020年末-2021年初的拉尼娜更冷的水平,这意味着即将到来的这次拉尼娜还可能比上一次中 11939 台风吧 persuaderr 【学习资源】NHC升格飓风Ian为五级飓风网页链接 Ian’s estimated peak intensity of 140 kt and ...
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