- Wind speed/ Wind map - Humidity scale - Pressure in hpa, mb, in - Amount of rain/ Precipitation - Lightning and hurricane trackers/Storms nearby News: Keep informed with the latest weather news Worldwide coverage: local weather and global weather, accurate track of the world's thousands ...
Thanks for using NOAA Center Hurricane! To make our app better for you, we bring updates to the App Store frequently. This version allows to specify which push notifications you want to receive. App 隐私 开发者“Andrea Bisegna”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信...
decision makers and officials.Experimental peak storm surge forecast graphic for Hurricane Ian on September 27,2022 at 11AM EDT.Image creditNOAA NWS 3.Building A Climate Ready NationAs outlined in NOAAs 2022-2026 Strategic Plan,NOAA is uniquely positioned to support the whole-of-government effort ...
Amber Gee of Callaway, Florida, found her grandmother and other relatives in the aftermath of Hurricane Michael by using the NOAA interactive satellite map. Grandma and two other relatives spelled out help in the grass outside their home, which Amber...
Just in: Central Pacific 2019 #HurricaneSeason Outlook --> @NOAA predicts 70% chance of above-normal activity, with 5-8 tropical cyclones likely 34034 台风吧 Meow GOES-13刚掠过向日葵8号,或继续飘向印度洋美国国家海洋大气总署(NOAA)同步卫星GOES-13原作为GOES-East服务大西洋,直到2017年12月由下一...
imates for integration into the Automated Tropical Forecast System.NOAA NESDIS provides these products to NOAAs National Hurricane Center,the U.S.Military Joint Typhoon Warning Center,and the U.S.Central Pacific Hurricane Center.This shows a map of ocean surface wind speed over Hurricane Ian on ...
along with a team in a NOAA Hurricane Hunter aircraft flying just outside the storm,to provide a data-driven,multi-dimensional view of each storm system.14Reducing Societal Impacts from Hazardous Weather and Other Environmental PhenomenaNew NOAA satellite data are helping improve tool to predict ...
- Historical Hurricane Tracks going all the way back to 1949 - Sea Surface Temperatures for the past two months - Interactive Map shows the latest Precipitation, Temperature, Clouds, Rain, Snow, Wind, and Sea Level Pressure - Interactive 3D Solar System shows Sun, Planets, and Asteroid Belt ...