气候学家切尔西博士也在推特上分享了类似的多里安的照片,并配文道,风眼里的“体育场结构”真是不可思议!美国国家飓风中心(NHC)的最新数据显示,飓风多里安位于大巴哈马北部,约有5万人居住。 国家飓风中心将多里安描述为“静止的”,最大持续风速为120英里每小时(195公里每小时),是萨菲尔-辛普森飓风等级的第3级飓风。
据美国国家飓风中心(NHC)发布消息称,目前共三场飓风同时在大西洋上空翻腾,并迅速逼近美国东海岸… 飓风佛洛伦斯,四级飓风,时速每小时140英里(约合225公里),直径超过500英里(804公里),是截至目前三场飓风中等级最强、破坏性最高的风暴,风速也已超过2017年让美国直接损失超700亿美元的哈维飓风(215公里/小时)。科学家...
NOAA has selected Mike Brennan, Ph.D., to serve as the next director of NOAA’s National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, as preparations continue ahead of the 2023 hurricane season. He will assume this new role effective today, April 10, 2023. “The NHC director is one of the most v...
上午8点更新:夏威夷距离狂风只有几个小时的路程。 下午8点NHC报告显示:“预计大岛部分地区的热带风暴天气将于周四凌晨开始,部分地区的飓风天气预计将于周四下午或周四晚上到来。” 预计星期四,毛伊县部分地区将开始出现热带风暴,一些地区星期四晚上到星期五将出现飓风。 “预计将于周四晚间在瓦胡岛开始热带风暴,预计周五...
NOAA’s update to the 2021 outlook covers the entire six-month hurricane season, which ends Nov. 30. Throughout the hurricane season, NOAA’sNational Hurricane Center(NHC) provides the hurricane track and intensity forecasts that emergency managers and communities rely on across areas at risk duri...
The NHC official track forecasts in the Atlantic basin set records for accuracy at all times from 12-120 h in 2008. Official forecast skill was also at record levels in 2008 for all forecast lead times. On average, the skill of the official forecasts was very close to that of the ...
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nhc 231K +96K 226K +94K 1 noaa hurricane 183K +87K 189K +89K 1 Sign up for Ahrefs to see data for all keywords. Top competing websites of noaa.gov United States weather.gov, nasa.gov and climate.gov rank in the top 10 organic search results for the same keywords that noaa.gov...
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All of the data those satellites gather go into statements issued by NOAA's National Hurricane Center (NHC), which iscurrently forecastingthat Dorian will head west across the northern Bahamas as a major hurricane over the weekend, then hit southern Florida as a hurricane, albeit a slightly weak...