美国国家气象局(NWS)警告说,飓风“莱恩”(Hurricane Lane)被列为4级强风暴,持续风速高达每小时145英里,预计将带来多达20英寸的降雨,引发洪水和山体滑坡。 上午9点24分更新:飓风道逼近夏威夷 最新的谷歌危机地图显示风暴正在逼近夏威夷,风速最高为每小时259公里。 然而,全球灾害警报和协调系统表示,风暴“根据最大持续...
NOAA has selected Mike Brennan, Ph.D., to serve as the next director of NOAA’s National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami, as preparations continue ahead of the 2023 hurricane season. He will assume this new role effective today, April 10, 2023. “The NHC director is one of the most v...
NOAA’s update to the 2021 outlook covers the entire six-month hurricane season, which ends Nov. 30. Throughout the hurricane season, NOAA’sNational Hurricane Center(NHC) provides the hurricane track and intensity forecasts that emergency managers and communities rely on across areas at risk duri...
This presentation details the diagnostics and methodology utilized in preparing the NOAA (CPC/HRD/NHC) seasonal hurricane forecasts for the 1999 Atlantic hurricane season. 1999 was forecast to be "above average" in terms in frequency, intensity and duration in both the early June and early August...
nhc 231K +96K 226K +94K 1 noaa hurricane 183K +87K 189K +89K 1 Sign up for Ahrefs to see data for all keywords. Top competing websites of noaa.gov United States weather.gov, spaceweatherlive.com and softservenews.com rank in the top 10 organic search results for the same keywor...
The competition only offers you a very basic push notification service which is a broadcast message to everyone regardless of where your located and whether or not you want to know about storms not affecting you. Don't be fooled treat yourself to a TRUE, ACCURATE & COMPLETE hurricane tracking...
All of the data those satellites gather go into statements issued by NOAA's National Hurricane Center (NHC), which iscurrently forecastingthat Dorian will head west across the northern Bahamas as a major hurricane over the weekend, then hit southern Florida as a hurricane, albeit a slightly weak...
NOAA Hurricane Center is a PREMIUM COMPREHENSIVE application with complete tracking support for Hurricanes, Invest Areas, Tropical Storms, Tropical Depressions and even Typhoons (which most of the competition don't offer). NOAA Hurricane Center also offers sophisticated push technology to include: Region...
Raw source data compliments of NOAA, the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC), and the National Hurricane Center (NHC).Juggernaut Technology, Inc. is not associated with NOAA, NDBC, NHC, or any other government organization.You can contact us at NOAABuoys@Juggernaut-Tech.com if you have any ...
The media is an important partner of the National Hurricane Center. During the offseason hurricane months, NHC personnel attend conferences and tour the coastline via the hurricane hunter aircraft, conducting numerous media interviews and presentations to stress the importance of preparation. During a ...