Blank chromatograms were inspected for potential analyte peaks. Peak integration was performed with Xcalibur software (Version 3.3.2 SP2). GraphPad Prism 8.2 (GraphPad Software) was used for regression analysis and 95% confidence interval (CI) determination. Calculation of the apparent permeability ...
The concentration (μM) was determined from the initial concentration of the solution (50 μM) and the molar fraction of the E and Z isomers calculated from the areas under the peaks in the HPL chromatogram. The difference in concentration (Δc) was determined. The differences in molecules...
aThe fluorescence HPLC chromatograms of GA3-Fl–treated roots (Fig. 1I) show two major fluorescent components in the extracts (peaks 1 and 2 in Fig. 1I) with no buildup of other fluorescent components over time. GA3 Fl被对待的根荧光高性能液体色谱色层分离谱 (。 1I) 展示二主要萤光组分...
Identification B(HPLC) The 2 principal peaks in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution are similar in retention time and size to the 2 principal peaks in the chromatogram obtained with.reference solution (a). Conforms Residue on Ignition ≤0.2%...
Low-molecular weight Fe() and Fe() complexes In the polarograms obtained in the test for limit of Fe(), no additional peaks are found Conforms Chloride NMT 0.06% 0.04% PH 10.5~11.1 10.70 Turbidity (PH) 4.4~5.3 4.86 Specific gravity 1.135~...
Results: All of these haemoglobin variants caused additional peaks in the chromatograms. No clinically useful HbA1c results were produced for patients with Hb Graz and Hb Sherwood Forest, the results for the patient with Hb D were too low, but the results for patients with Hb O Padova were ...
compounds. In the extracted ion chromatogram for m/z 316, two additional peaks eluted. Figure 3 shows an EIC for a blank plasma sample, these two peaks appear to be part of the plasma matrix. Good linearity was found for all compounds with R2 > 0.9900 over the concentration range of 2 ...
This application note demonstrates a fast, simple, and accurate method for the analysis of soft drink additives on the Waters Arc HPLC System with PDA detection using the Waters Beverage Analysis Kit. Aspartame degradant peaks were...
The HPLC chromatograms of standard 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine and 8-nitroguanine show a retention time of 10.515 and 9.183 (Fig.5A and B, respectively). HPLC chromatogram of acid-hydrolyzed nCT-DNA gave peaks at a retention time of 4.866, 5.741, and 7.75 min (Fig.5C). While NO-DNA ...
Figure 3 shows the HPLC chromatograms of the 2,4- dinitrophenyl-5-L-leucineamide (DLA) derivatives ((A) with L-FDLA and (B) with D-FDLA) of the hydrolyzate. Two desired peaks were observed together with large amounts of the residual reagent and related compounds (*). Furthermore, ...