NK细胞(natural killer cells)作为独特的淋巴样细胞,在人体中占循环淋巴细胞的5-20%,在小鼠模型中占脾脏和骨髓淋巴细胞的2-5%。 作为固有免疫的重要组成部分,NK细胞既能在没有预先致敏的情况下裂解靶细胞,直接促进免疫;还能通过产生细胞因子和趋化因子,间接影响免疫反应。 NK细胞独特之处: ▶与其他固有免疫细胞(...
NK细胞(natural killer cells)作为独特的淋巴样细胞,在人体中占循环淋巴细胞的5-20%,在小鼠模型中占脾脏和骨髓淋巴细胞的2-5%。 作为固有免疫的重要组成部分,NK细胞既能在没有预先致敏的情况下裂解靶细胞,直接促进免疫;还能通过产生细胞因子和趋化因子,间接影响免疫反应。 NK细胞独特之处: ▶与其他固有免疫细胞(...
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fourth leading cause of malignancy worldwide, and its progression is influenced by the immune microenvironment. Natural killer (NK) cells are essential in the anti-tumor response and have been linked to immunotherapi
由于对NK细胞功能障碍状态的定义特征(如衰老Senescence,受抑制suppression和耗竭exhaustion )缺乏共识,使得研究之间的比较变得困难。NK细胞亚群的生物学也存在显著差异,与传统NK细胞相比,长寿命、适应性NK细胞( long-lived, adaptive NK cells)有更接近记忆CD8+T细胞的表观遗传特征。与长期暴露于激活信号的常规NK细胞相比,...
We propose here that the expression of NK receptors on CD8+ T cells can be considered a marker of cytotoxic effector T cells that are expanded in vivo after antigenic activation leading to extensive proliferation. The persistence of antigen will lead to loss of co-stimulatory molecules, telomere...
17 cell clusters were then identified , and cells in cluster 7 were defined as NK cells 189 genes (LUAD-related NK cell marker genes) differentially expressed between the 17 clusters To construct a prognostic signature based on the 189 NK cell marker genes, LASSO Cox regression analysis 后...
17 cell clusters were then identified , and cells in cluster 7 were defined as NK cells 189 genes (LUAD-related NK cell marker genes) differentially expressed between the 17 clusters To construct a prognostic signature based on the 189 NK cell marker genes, ...
Identification of NK cells marker genes. (A) Scatter plot about the fluctuation situation of each gene; (B) PCA plot colored by different samples; (C) 20 PCs were identified based on P < 0.05; (D) t-SNE plot colored by various cell types; (E) Comparison of the proportion of NK...
17 cell clusters were then identified , and cells in cluster 7 were defined as NK cells 189 genes (LUAD-related NK cell marker genes) differentially expressed between the 17 clusters To construct a prognostic signature based on the 189 NK cell marker genes, ...
marker[marker$cluster%in% c(0,1,3,4,10,13),2] <-'NK cells' marker[marker$cluster%in% c(5,15),2] <-'Endothelial cells' marker[marker$cluster%in% c(12,13),2] <-'fibroblast' marker[marker$cluster%in% c(14),2] <-'epithelial cell' ...