自然杀伤细胞(Natural killer cell,NK细胞 ),是除 T细胞、B细胞之外的第三大类淋巴细胞,不仅与抗肿瘤、抗病毒感染和免疫调节有关,甚至参与超敏反应和自身免疫性疾病的发生。 图1 NK细胞与其他免疫细胞 NK细胞来源于骨髓造血干细胞,属于先天免疫系统的核心细胞,约占血液中所有免疫细胞数量的15%;主要分布于外周血、...
10月20日晚,《人民日报》报道:“2024年,她首次证实,NK细胞抗病毒治疗安全有效,建立NK细胞临床应用级体外扩增体系,提出将细胞治疗与造血干细胞移植结合的新方案,为更多白血病患者带来生的希望。”人民日报2024年10月20日20:05发文 NK细胞是啥?为啥可以抗癌抗病毒?自然杀伤细胞(Natural Killer Cells),又称NK...
Natural killer (NK) cells are important cytotoxic lymphocytes of the innate immune system and are the first line of defense against infection and malignancy. They have innate ability to rapidly find and destroy virally infected and/or cancerous cells, while protecting healthy cells....
The article provides information on natural killer (NK) cells. A recent research has showed that NK cells may have more traits in common with cells of the adaptive immune system, including the concept of immunological memory. The latest discovery supported this notion indicating that NK cells ...
Natural Killer Cells The Power of Scroll to content about us We are dedicated to realizing the potential of natural killer (NK) cells for the treatment of cancer. Our proprietary technology is designed to harness the power of these important pathogen-fighting immune cells and is uniquely capable...
Lanier LL, Phillips JH, Hackett J Jr et al.(1986) Natural killer cells: Definition of a cell type rather than a function.J Immunol 137:2735–2739. Rautela J, Huntington ND (2017) IL-15 signaling in NK cell cancer immunotherapy...
今年3月19日,生命科学领域顶级期刊《Cell》杂志发表了一篇关于NK细胞的Snapshot,用一张图总结了NK细胞的发育、分布、功能以及相关治疗方法。 图片来源:Cell 1. NK细胞的发育 在小鼠中,共同淋巴样祖细胞(common lymphoid progenitor,CLP)产生共同ILC前体(common ILC precursor,CILCP)。而CILCP可产生NK细胞、辅助样ILCs...
[1]https://www.genengnews.com/artificial-intelligence/chatgpt-waxes-poetic-on-nk-cells/ [2] Natural killer cells for antiviral therapy《SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE》4 Jan 2023,Vol 15, Issue 677,DAVEY M. SMITH [3] T cell receptor next-generation sequencing reveals cancer-associated ...
NK细胞(natural killer cells)作为独特的淋巴样细胞,在人体中占循环淋巴细胞的5-20%,在小鼠模型中占脾脏和骨髓淋巴细胞的2-5%。 作为固有免疫的重要组成部分,NK细胞既能在没有预先致敏的情况下裂解靶细胞,直接促进免疫;还能通过产生细胞因子和趋化因子,间接影响免疫反应。