The simple solution to allay the concerns of the Jan.6 violence happening again is to make sure the election is run in an honest and above board manner, which must include voter I.D. via a totally transparent system. Otherwise I’m betting all bets are off. Reply Vincentsays: November 4...
Murphy had been leading in the polls, has a 1 million-voter registration advantage and had more cash in his campaign coffers than Ciattarelli in the final days of the race. But the Republican has far surpassed the Republican nominee from four years ago in fundraising and h...
They need to be kicked out of the Republican Party. See Senator Mike Doherty Laces into Lt. Governor Guadagno (10/10/16). Left: Paul Hoffman & Committeeman Lou Reiner and on right: Suzanne Legay, Director Freeholder & Mike Mangin, Deputy Mayor stand in front of a Presidential Voter ...
TRENTON – If you’re interested in participating in the June 7 primary in New Jersey, today is your last day to register to vote. New Jersey now hasonline voter registration. You’ll need to provide your date of birth and one of the following forms of identification: A current, valid ...