Little Time to Update Your Voter Registration before Election
“In August 2016, Spieles was directed to combine his registration numbers with those of another individual because their respective territories overlapped,” the statement added. “After filling out a registration form for a voter, Spieles entered the information into a computer system used by the...
County gets set for busy election -- Residents still have time to update voter registrationWilliam C Bayne
The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has completed field tests of biometric voter registration (BVR) kits from the two companies bidding for the contract ahead of next year’s elections and is set to present the evaluation report to the State Procurement Board (SPB). Laxton Group from China ...
The mock registration exercise saw the BVR kit operators register students who “will not be part of the 2018 voter population” and allowed the assessors to test issues including time taken to set up the equipment, flashing out double registrations, how the webcam captures photographs, how the...
Voter Registration Update!
Online Voter Registration Builds Up Momentum Tool Also Lets Voters Update InformationHARRISBURG - Less than a month after the launch of online voterregistration in Pennsylvania,...Giammarise, Kate