But of course there was nothing to Murphy’s sudden lead change “in the middle of the night” in Bergen County after the polls had already closed. Murphy was and still remains loathed and despised by all because of his despotic actions and stance on the Covid lockdowns. He knew there ...
New Jersey now hasonline voter registration. You’ll need to provide your date of birth and one of the following forms of identification: A current, valid driver’s license or non-driver ID card from the Motor Vehicle Commission, or a Social Security number and the ability to provide a d...
The speakers spoke about mail-in ballots,which increase the risk of voter fraud, and how people should vote. A complaint should be filed with the U.S. Attorney's Office against the State of New Jersey and Governor Murphy--where is the NJGOP or the Hunterdon County Republican Committee?
Hunterdon County Clerk Mary Melfi, like Peter, expressed concern that the change could overwhelm the statewide voter registration system if that system’s bugs aren’t first worked out. “I’m very proud of New Jersey for our 2020 election. We did a phenomenal job. We were a beacon of li...
Yes. Voters need to set up a personal New Jersey Voter Registration System account on the state elections website, to check the status of a submitted mail-in ballot. Voters also can also call their County Election Officials to track a Mail-In Ballot. Once a voter account has been set up...
Q:What are the accepted address proofs that I can use for registration so that I can ensure that I have the required documents before making the purchase on Flipkart? A:Accepted address proofs vary across states. Generally ...