2017年7月12日,尼康(Nikon)全新发布了包括其旗舰机型D5、D500和长焦相机COOLPIX B700的新版升级固件,以及ViewNX-i、Camera Control Pro两款软件的新版本。这次更新的重头戏在D5这款旗舰单反之上,尼康为他增加了两个新的区域AF对焦模式,还增加了对AF-P镜头新功能的支持。而对于所有的软硬件来说,这次更新主要是加强...
由于早先的日本熊本地震,使得Nikon(尼康)在CP+ 2016上新推出的DL便携相机未能准时上市,因此在本届P&I 2016上尼康展台只有体验区,机器则是由Nikon双旗舰D5、D500领衔。除了Nikon D5、D500之外,也有全画幅中端机型D750,体验拍摄项目为人像拍摄。除此之外,Nikon也展示了D5的视频拍摄的触控对焦能力。 也许是P&I 201...
↓Nikon D500↓Canon EOS-7D Mark II*取景器视野及对焦点范围D500覆盖至两端边缘的广域对焦系统全面胜出最新款全画幅相机Nikon D5及CanonEOS-1D X MarkⅡ的自动对焦范围仅比前代机型略微扩大了一点。而另一方面,APS-C画幅单反相比全画幅单反的优势,正在于自动对焦区域能够覆盖至画面边缘。尤其是Nikon D500,更是...
Nikon尼康D5 D4s D3sD800E D500 D810 D850红外快门无线遥控器ML-3 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 摄影器材五星金牌店 店铺星级 商品评价4.7 高 物流履约4.9 高 售后服务4.5 高 进店逛逛关注店铺 商品介绍
尼康(Nikon)XQD存储卡D5、D850、D500、Z6、Z7用视频高速连拍XQD内存卡记忆卡 MC-XQ64G 参数 价格:暂无报价 评价: 点击前往购买 综述介绍 参数 图片 视频 评价 报价 问答 排行 相似 热卖 优惠 可参加以下优惠活动 实名有礼 实名认证领苏宁支付券
Adobe added Nikon D5 and D500 support in their latest version ofCamera Raw 9.5andLightroom CC 2015.5. Lens profiles for the following Nikon F mount lenses were also added: Nikon AF-P DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR Nikon AF-P DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ...
Sony announced new SD and XQD memory cards designed to support the new Nikon D5 and D500 cameras: Sony is expanding its lineup of memory card options for professionals to include newer and faster XQD and SD media, as well as card readers for the XQD and SD formats, an...
Well, this is surprising. A 20-mp cropped camera, the D500, is going to be more expensive than a full frame D750 camera, and will get a similar price to D800... Reply D AnonD-276125 EP{ 06 Jan 2016 360 cam which can record 4k with just 2 lenses. Cool beans Reply 1 of 1 Ho...
As much as I like the Nikon 200-500mm f/5.6 lens’s optics, one feature brings its quality down a bit. What is that? The autofocus speed. The motor can’t focus as fast as on some telephoto lenses – not on the Nikon D500, nor even the D5. ...
相比竞品佳能1DX Mark II和索尼A9,尼康的高感表现最强,但12张/秒的连拍速度稍逊,互有胜负。总而言之,D5是目前尼康最先进最全面的相机,最佳使用场景是抓拍高速运动的物体,它的售价也决定了其职业用途。 售价在万元左右的尼康D500则是更现实的选择,对应竞品为佳能7D,虽为APS-C画幅传感器,但其余配置皆为专业级:高...