苏宁易购为您提供尼康(Nikon)D500(腾龙24-70mm G2)单反相机和尼康(Nikon)D5600 单反套机(AF-S DX 尼克尔 18-140mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR)参数对比,让您了解尼康(Nikon)D500(腾龙24-70mm G2)单反相机和尼康(Nikon)D5600 单反套机(AF-S DX 尼克尔 18-140mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR)
D5(XX) Series= Flagship DSLRs that use Nikon's DX-format APS-C sensors, e.g., the Nikon D500. D7(XXX) Series= Upper mid-range DSLRs that use Nikon's DX-format APS-C sensors, e.g., the Nikon D7500. D5(XXX) Series= Mid-range DSLRs that use Nikon's DX-format APS-C sens...
Nikon released new firmware updates for the 8-year-old D5600 and D500 DSLR cameras By[NR] admin|Published:December 16, 2024 Nikon released new firmware updates for the 8-year-old D5600 and D500 DSLR cameras. It’s great that Nikon is still supporting long-discontinued cameras! Here are th...
目前在售机型包括D7200和D7500,其中2017年更新的D7500迎来了重大升级,更换了尼康专业机型D500上相同的图像传感器和影像处理器,虽然只有2088万像素,但在宽容度和高感表现上大幅领先竞品佳能80D,且有8张/秒的高速连拍以及51点对焦系统,可抓拍高速移动的物体,支持4K视频也让尼康在视频方面扳回一城。 专业级机型 尼康三位...
Model:D500 Effective megapixels:20.90 Total megapixels:21.56 Sensor size:23.5 x 15.7 mm Sensor type:CMOS Sensor resolution:5600 x 3733 Max. image resolution:5568 x 3712 Crop factor:1.53 Optical zoom: Digital zoom:No ISO:Auto, 100 - 51200 (expandable to 50 - 1640000) ...
适用尼康Z6/Z7/D7500D7200D610/D850/D810D500相机钢化膜屏幕保护 颜色 D7100/D7200、D750/D500、裸膜(拍下备注型号)、D3400/D3500、P900、D90/D7000、D850、D5300/D5500/D5600、D3200/D3300/D3100、D800/D800E/D810、D600/D610、D7500、J4/J5、Z6/Z7 深圳市恒毅信科技有限公司 6年 回头率: 38.3...
EN-EL18d电池适用尼康Z9 D6 D5 D4S电池D800 D850 D500手柄电池 tpcell/拓普赛 品牌 一件代发 ¥149.0 深圳市力旺达科技有限公司 13年 EN-EL14电池适用尼康相机D3200 D3400 D5100 D5200 D5400 D5600 48小时发货 支付宝 ¥28.5 深圳市励景御科技有限公司 2年 劲码EN-EL3E电池充电器适用尼...
尼康D7500 半画幅单反 2100万像素 2 尼康D5600 半画幅单反 2400万像素 3 尼康D3400 半画幅单反 2400万像素 4 尼康D500 半画幅单反 2100万像素 5 尼康D7200 半画幅单反 2400万像素 6 尼康D5500 半画幅单反 2400万像素 7 尼康D3300 半画幅单反 2400万像素 ...
In addition to the D5600, D500, and Z9 firmware updates, Nikon also announced that the NX MobileAir now supports Frame.io for the Nikon Z9, Z8, and Z6III cameras (Android only for now, the iOS version is currently in development). Here are the details (additional information is avai...
vs 1 : 1.01 (ratio) Fujifilm X-T3 Nikon D500 Surface area: 366.60 mm² vs 368.95 mm² Difference: 2.35 mm² (0.6%) D500 sensor is slightly bigger than X-T3 sensor (only 0.6% difference). Note: You are comparing cameras of different generations. There is a 2 year gap between ...