尼康入门级相机为D3000系列和D5000系列,机身售价在2500-3500元左右,两个系列同代产品差价在一千元左右,连拍速度皆为5张/秒,画质水平也基本相当,新一代的D3500和D5600都配置了2416万无低通滤镜传感器,画面锐度和高感表现都领先于同价位的佳能单反。 两个系列主要在功能和操控上不同,尼康D3000系列功能简单,缺少翻转屏...
Nikon D3200 vs Nikon D7100 Nikon D3200 Nikon D7100 设计光学摄像电池功能 44 分 59 分 为什么Nikon D3200优于Nikon D7100? 220 g 重量差距 ?455 gvs675 g 体积小16.3% ?918 cm³vs1096.74 cm³ 10.5 mm 的宽度差距 ?125 mmvs135.5 mm 10.5 mm 更短 ?96 mmvs106.5 mm 向下滚动,浏览更多细节...
Nikon D3300 Sony SLT-A58 设计光学摄像电池功能 44 分 50 分 为什么Nikon D3300优于Sony SLT-A58? 21%更高的百万像素(主摄像头) ?24.2 MPvs20 MP 12800 ISO更高的最大扩展 ISO ?25600 ISOvs12800 ISO 电池更持久430 shots ?700 shotsvs270 shots 具有自动对焦追踪功能 ? 12 更高的 DxOMark Sensor 分...
The Nikon D5600 is the new model of the Nikon D5500, which in turn replaced the D5300, D5200, D5100 and D5000. The only real difference between this D5600 and the previous D5500 is that the D5600 adds Bluetooth and NFC for use with Nikon's "Snapbridge" app....
Focus and Exposure. The Nikon D3100 shares the same Multi-CAM 1000 phase-detection autofocus sensor module that's previously appeared in the D3000 and D5000, among others. The Multi-CAM 1000 module offers 11 focusing points, of which the center point is a cross-type sensor. While the AF ...
Nikon D5600 $898.45 (22% more) 24.2 MP (33% more) Also has viewfinder 27% smaller D7000 vs D5600 Canon 6D $1499.00 (53% more) 20.2 MP (20% more) Also has viewfinder 6% larger D7000 vs 6D Nikon D610 $1195.95 (42% more) 24.3 MP (33% more) Also has viewfinder 18% ...
适用尼康D5000 D5100 D5200 D7100数据线单反相机手机OTG对拷线 深圳市蓝盛博科技有限公司 6年 回头率: 31.9% 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥1.12 成交50个 适用尼康DK-24相机眼罩 D5100 D5000 D3100 D3200 D5200配件DK-20 适用 尼康D5100,D5000,D3100,D3200,D5200单反相机 深圳市索图仕科技有限公司 1年...
Nikon released new firmware updates for the 8-year-old D5600 and D500 DSLR cameras By[NR] admin|Published:December 16, 2024 Nikon released new firmware updates for the 8-year-old D5600 and D500 DSLR cameras. It’s great that Nikon is still supporting long-discontinued cameras! Here are th...
D5000, D5100, D5200, D5300, D5500, D5600. D70, D80, D90, D7000, D7100, D7200, D7500, D100, D200, D300, D300s, D500. Nikon D40 : Intro | D40 & D40x (2007) | Wikipedia | Ken Rockwell (2006-2010) | Nikon Archives "Introduction to the Nikon D40" by David Hancock : ...