早在2017年,为了降本增效和加强消费者洞察,NIKE正式提出DTC转型,其战略名称为CDO(Consumer Direct Offense)。同年NIKE将全球3万家零售合作商的数量缩减至40个深度战略合作伙伴。在CDO战略指引下,NIKE主要致力于以下两个方面的建设: 线上:打造DTC数字化商城,建立了五个自营触点(Nike App、Nike.com、SNKRS App、Nike微...
—— 2017年,Nike 宣布最新发展策略,其核心就是 Consumer Direct Offense(直击消费者)。 截止到今年 5月31日的上一财年第四季度财报显示,Nike 数字业务同比增长了 75%,以不变汇率计算增长79%,其中,Nike App 和 SNKRS App 成为增长主要推动力。 —— 2020年6月,Nike 提出了加速直面消费者业务的 Consumer Dire...
耐克正通过科技促进与消费者的联系,其销售模式正在由批发分销转向直接面向消费者的直销模式。现在施行的消费者直营战略(Consumer Direct Acceleration strategy),是由17年宣布的Consumer Direct Offense(更加贴近消费者/直击消费者)演变而来的。公司致力于通过实现三个双倍目标(TripleDouble),即双倍研发、双倍速度以及双倍与...
NIKE的DTC变革可分为两个阶段,即2017年6月启动的Direct Customer Offense(CDO:全面直面消费者) + Triple Double Strategy(三个加速)战略,以及2020年6月启动的Consumer Direct Acceleration(CDA:加速直面消费者)战略,从股价表现来看,市场对两次变革的反馈及认可程度较高。 3)变革决心最强:首先无论是在CDO还是CDA战略...
Nike's Shanghai 001 store highlights Nike's Consumer Direct Offense strategy. The strategy was launched in the 6 month of 2017, which means that they are improving their efficiency on a large scale, focusing on the promotion of cities in 12 countries to meet the needs of consumers. ...
Nike, which relies heavily on its wholesale business, has made strides to expand organic sales channels, launching a "Consumer Direct Offense" earlier this summer. With this strategy, the company has said it aims to increase direct-to-consumer sales, which are higher margin by nature, relying ...
Just a year into the Consumer Direct Offense, we’re building momentum. Across the board, it has made a tremendous impact. In FY18… Nike React is making waves across sport and style. NIKE, Inc. revenues grew 6% to $36.4 billion on a reported basis. On a currency-neutral basis, NIKE...
His expertise in digital commerce, technology, global strategy and leadership combined with his strong relationship with the brand, make him ideally suited to accelerate our digital transformation and to build on the positive impact of our Consumer Direct O...
and we were largely meeting the demand that the consumer was driving toward those channels. We continue to see opportunities to drive efficiencies in the profitability of our Direct business. And that includes a higher mix of full-price product in our direct channels but also leveraging supply ch...
Our strategy is to achieve long-term revenue growth by creating innovative, "must have" products, building deep personal consumer connections with our brands and delivering compelling consumer experiences at retail, online and through mobile applications. In June 2017, we announced the Consumer Direct...