If we saw Covid-19 deaths in the context of the overall numbers including heart disease (much of which is preventable), dementia, stroke, accidents etc. we might be a little more sanguine. It's serious, certainly, but we happily ignore more dangerous iss...
Our findings will be of obvious relevance to those who require these services and their families, and will help inform commissioners and policy makers about the most appropriate use of resources for this complex group. Aim and research questions Our overarching aim is to investigate the clinical ...
Due to ethical limitations, we could not ask doctors about previous mental health diagnoses. Future research could focus on doctors that have sought help and explore the key factors that encouraged them to do so. Due to the time and resource constraints of the project, as well as the COVID-...
Child mortality in England rose after COVID-19 lockdowns, particularly among children of non-White ethnicities, a study found. Medscape News UK 05 Feb 2025 MASLD Linked to Increased Risk for Pancreatic Diseases MASLD was linked to a more than twofold increase in the risk for pancreatic disease...
A number of challenges are known to influence smoking status in pregnancy. Aim: This paper aims to explore the experiences of pregnant women when attempting to quit smoking using NHS support. Method: A qualitative methodological approach was adopted to enable the researcher to develop an ...
Even during the peak of the first wave of coronavirus in the UK, Covid-19 patients never accounted for more than 30 per cent of all hospital patients and tens of thousands of vacated beds went unused during the spring A leaked NHS report suggests there are still fewer than average numbers...
His position as a moral citizen is legitimised because of his physical activity during recovery from COVID-19 (Täuber et al. 2018). Link and Phelan (2001) explain how stigma depends on social and political power: When negative attributes are attributed to someone, there is a status loss ...