The NHS digital health unit NHSX is looking for suppliers of remote monitoring technology as it looks for large-scale solutions during the coronavirus outbreak.
We are grateful for all the support received from the TPP Technical Operations team throughout this work; for assistance from the information governance and database teams at NHS England and NHSX; and for additional discussions on disease characterization, codelists and methodology with H. Drysdale,...
The ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has heightened discussion of the use of mobile phone data in outbreak response. Mobile phone data have been proposed to monitor effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions, to assess potentia
Session uk.nhs.nhsx.sonar-peripheral-11919-319 can advertise in background for 6240 seconds As a consequence, it’s not possible to say “the app will become ineffective in iOS-to-iOS communication after X period of time”: there’s a generous variable window that the app has to stay ali...
NHSX (2020) Driving forward the digital transformation of health and social care. Accessed 4 July 2020 Nikkei Asian Review (2020a) makes drone deliveries as coronavirus cuts off usual modes.
As the sustained and devastating extent of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic becomes apparent, a key focus of public scrutiny in the UK has
The NHS digital health unit NHSX is looking for suppliers of remote monitoring technology as it looks for large-scale solutions during the coronavirus outbreak. Accessed May 1, 2020. Nuffield Council on Bioethics. 2020. Research in global health emergencies: Ethical issues. ...
The NHS digital health unit NHSX is looking for suppliers of remote monitoring technology as it looks for large-scale solutions during the coronavirus outbreak.