Covid-19 enquiries For information about coronavirus (COVID-19), including information about the COVID-19 vaccine, go to the [2] You can also find guidance and support on the [3]GOV.UK website. If...
Many of our colleagues will have experienced racism and unequal treatment; Covid-19 has had a disproportionate impact on our BAME members of staff; and the top of our own organisation doesn’t yet properly reflect either the diversity of our workforce or of the populations we serve. I would...
Our findings will be of obvious relevance to those who require these services and their families, and will help inform commissioners and policy makers about the most appropriate use of resources for this complex group. Aim and research questions Our overarching aim is to investigate the clinical ...
In this webinar hear how NHS Digital, Tableau and AWS collaborated during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in record time to identify those vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic, to help the health and social care system in planning and to inform the public. Participant...
If we saw Covid-19 deaths in the context of the overall numbers including heart disease (much of which is preventable), dementia, stroke, accidents etc. we might be a little more sanguine. It's serious, certainly, but we happily ignore more dangerous iss...
HPV testing as a "test of cure" (TOC) of women treated for cervical high-grade lesions can support and inform appropriate clinical management pathways. How... R Bhatia,C Graham,H Elasifer,... - 《Journal of Clinical Virology the Official Publication of the Pan American Society for Clinical...
She went on to claim that the flu and Covid cases are now recorded as ‘the same thing’ on death certificates. In response to cheers from the crowd, she continues: ‘I can tell you on Friday in Treliske there were three people in with Covid. No extra deaths, three – and that ...
Inform the University if you are self-isolating for this reason: 如果您家庭中的某人出现新冠感染的症状或Covid-19的检测结果呈阳性,则您家中的所有其他成员都应在家中隔离14天(无论他们是否有症状)。您的家庭成员是指与您共享厨房或浴室设施的任何人。
of which three have been met and progress is being made on the remaining two. We are setting up a system of COVID-19 Alert levels, which will be overseen by a new UK Joint Biosecurity Centre designed to assess the spread of the virus and inform decisions over how we lift the lockdown...