1、创建repository 代码语言:txt 复制 https://registry.npm.taobao.org/ 创建完成后,此时 Repository 的状态为: Online - Ready to connect 2、客户端设置 npm 地址 代码语言:txt 复制 $ npm config set registry http://mirrors.anchnet.com/repository/npm/ 3、安装测试 代码语言:txt 复制 $ npm i eslint...
NPM SCRIPTS NPM start script builds/starts the Universal Web Browser Components must also be compiled for the front-end library Root is used to generate root certificates only Includes Identity Certificate generation examples EXAMPLE APPS UDSP
// use the default maven property or change to "install" for faster but less stable build which also updates the lock file npmInstall: '', // default to building both debug and production builds with webpack - change to "build" to get the debug build copied as the "production" buil...
1.服务器安装nexus 2.本地安装node环境 3.nexus配置 3.1创建代理仓库:Create repository 选择代理服务:npm (proxy) 添加淘宝镜像:https://registry.npm.taobao.org 或者npm官方镜像:https://registry.npmjs... 查看...
Nexus 搭建私有NPM仓库 1.下载镜像: docker pullsonatype/nexus32.启动容器: docker run -d --namenexus--restart=always -p 8088:8088sonatype/nexus33.访问服务器 访问地址:http://服务器IP:8088访问,界面如下: 4.登录服务器 点击上图右上角的Sign In ,输入账户密码登录。 管理员登录密码在 ...
Update plan: The system is ready to apply the necessary software updates to certain switches in the fabric. Click Update plan to bring up the Software Update Plan for the fabric. See Installing or Upgrading Software on Devices in a Fabric for more information. Fabric Type The ...
npmInstall: '', // default to building both debug and production builds with webpack - change to "build" to get the debug build copied as the "production" build (saves around 30s of build time) npmBuild: '' ] buildOptions = [ buildMode : "", buildModeDesc : "", maven...
chapter-npm.asciidoc chapter-nuget.asciidoc chapter-obr.asciidoc chapter-p2.asciidoc chapter-procurement.asciidoc chapter-repository-health-check.asciidoc chapter-rubygems.asciidoc chapter-sites.asciidoc chapter-smartproxy.asciidoc chapter-ssl.asciidoc chapter-staging.asciidoc chapter-using-nexus-ui.as...
It supports Bower, Docker, Maven 2, npm, NuGet, PyPI, and Raw site repositories. Installation documentation can be found at https://github.com/dcos/examples/tree/master/1.8/nexus. Pre-Install Notes This DC/OS Service is currently in preview. **WARNING** The Nexus package is configured...
2019-07-17 14:19:11,123+0900 INFO [FelixStartLevel] *SYSTEM org.sonatype.nexus.repository.httpclient.internal.HttpClientFacetImpl - Remote connection status of repository maven-central set to Ready to Connect. 2019-07-17 14:19:11,123+0900 INFO [FelixStartLevel] *SYSTEM org.ehcache.jsr107.Co...