使用npm init初始化一个package.json文件 注意:必须要有这个文件才能上传,npm可以上传任何一个包含package.json的包,package.json的main(入口)设置为index.js(名字自取)然后在本目录下建一个index.js文件,name表示你这个包的名字只能小写,version代表版本,每次更新都要修改这里的版本再npm publish package.json可以在这...
2.2.2 如何记录项目中安装了哪些包 在项目根目录中,创建一个叫做 **package.json**的配置文件,即可用来记录项目中安装了哪些包。从而方便剔除node_modules目录之后,在团队成员之间共享项目的源代码 今后在项目开发中,一定要把node_modules文件夹,添加到.gitignore忽略文件中 2.3 快速创建package.json npm包管理工具提...
类似发布到内部库,要发布组件到npmjs公共组件库,只需要将全局registry设置为“https://registry.npmjs.org”,或者在“npmpublish”命令后面指定参数“--registryhttps://registry.npmjs.org”即可。 2.6.10、 身份验证 Publish项目需要通过目标的身份验证。身份验证有两种方法:服务端配置验证信息和客户端提交验证信息。
node -v: v8.8.0 npm config get registry:http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/repositories/npmjs Thanks to @DarthHater I figured out the solution, so what I was trying to do is publishing to the proxy repository, which was pointing to the official npm registry, instead of doing that I ha...
一定不能忘,不然在adduser和publish会一直报错401:Unable to authenticate, need: BASIC realm=“Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager” 7.npm 设置 npm configsetregistry http://10.0.070:9081/repository/npm-group/npmgetregistry 8.创建一个npm包,发布到建立的私服 ...
npm publish 日志中出现一下错误: verbose stack Error: 400 Bad Request - PUT http://xxxxx/repository/npm-public/xxxx 19 verbose stack at D:\download\nodejs\node_global\node_modules\npm\node_modules\npm-registry-... 查看原文 遇到npm install的错误,多比较比较npm的版本 ...
NPM publishes to Nexus under the dash "-" folder. Packages cannot be viewed using Browse Storage. How to avoid the dash "-" folder? Is there way to publish npm packages with the folder structure like NuGet? Is it possible to have a structure like this? PRIVATE_NPM/ | |--package-1.0...
1.使用以下命令从Artifactory下载并重新上传NPM包到Nexus:npm pack @ npm publish @.tgz --registry= ...
Publish to nexus (develop branch) 1. npmrc nexus 2. npm run build 3. npm version patch (if you need to up camera version) 4. npm publish Publish to npm (master branch) 1. npmrc npm-camera 2. npm run build 3. npm version patch (if you need to up camera version) 4. npm publish...
我在Nexus上也遇到了同样的问题。我必须将身份验证范围限制到私有注册表。请尝试 (不要忘记替换<...