使用npm init初始化一个package.json文件 注意:必须要有这个文件才能上传,npm可以上传任何一个包含package.json的包,package.json的main(入口)设置为index.js(名字自取)然后在本目录下建一个index.js文件,name表示你这个包的名字只能小写,version代表版本,每次更新都要修改这里的版本再npm publish package.json可以在这...
可以运行npm install命令(或npm i)一次性安装所有的依赖包 2.6 卸载包 可以运行npm uninstall命令,来卸载指定的包 注意:npm uninstall命令执行成功后,会把卸载的包,自动从package.json的dependencies中移除掉 2.7 了解devDependencies节点的作用 如果某些包只在项目开发阶段会用到,在项目上线之后不会用到,则建议把这些...
npm publish --registry http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/repositories/npmjs but I get this error : npm ERR! path C:\Users\USER~1.MAJ\AppData\Local\Temp\npm-13292-e2329f38\tmp\fromDir-e7e42b8d\package.tgz npm ERR! code EPERM npm ERR! errno -4048 npm ERR! syscall unlink npm ERR!
内网不联网,安装指定npm包,装不上,还要支持CI的测试打包,所以要将外网的npm包放到内网的nexus私服上 2|0举例安装 quill@1.3.7 外网机器 桌面建立目录needPackage (目录名随便,但是一定要是英文名字) npm init -y npm install quill@1.3.7 --legacy-bundling ...
I am using the latest npm Current Behavior After successfully logging into the Nexus registry using npm login and correctly configuring the .npmrc file with the registry URL, running npm whoami correctly displays the logged-in username. However, when attempting to publish a package using npm publ...
I have config NPM server on nexus and want to publish project ,like below: D:\lirongjian\temp\temp\temp>npm publish --registry= pository/npm-all/ npm ERR! publish Failed PUT 400 npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.1.7601 npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\...
在package.json 中 需要添加 npm仓库地址 "publishConfig": { "registry": "http://xxxxx.tech/repository/npm-hosted/" },
Publish to any other registry: Not always do we push our code to npm registry, for many organizations have separate registries (nexus mostly) where we need to push our package. For that, all we need is to write one extra line to .npmrc file: ...
使用nexus搭建npm私库 ***:点击进入 1、docker启动nexus docker run -d --name nexus3 --restart=always -p 8081:8081 -p 5000:5000 -v /Users/lujing/private_npm_base:/nexus-data sonatype/nexus3 注意:对于已经有的容器,直接docker start即可!!! -d:表示在doc... NPM...
Yarn报错:error Couldn't publish package: "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/generator-vue: You do not have permission to publish \"generator-vue\". Are you logged in as the correct user?"... 查看原文 npm包开发问题记录 npm adduser 之前,在npm 网站提交修改密码,你需要去重新用新的密码去npm logi...