学科:PHYSICS, MULTIDISCIPLINARYSCIEQ229 / 110 74.09% 名词解释: 汤森路透每年出版一本《期刊引用报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称JCR)。JCR对86000多种SCI期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以统计。JCR将收录期刊分为176个不同学科类别在JCR的Journal Ranking中,主要参考当年IF,最终每个分区的期刊数量是均分...
Impact of climatic variability on groundwater resources in the Eastern Mitidja plain, Algeria | [Impatto della variabilità climatica sulle risorse idriche sotterranee nella pianura orientale di Mitidja, Algeria]. Acque Sotterranee - Italian Journal of Groundwat...
However, note that the sum rule does not allow for variations in the form factors which is important for interpreting new physics. In Fig. 2, we show how RDτ/μ and R(Λc+)τ/μ are affected by the choice of form factor. Results for form factors based solely on lattice fit values...
General workflow of the construction of immune, naïve and (semi-) synthetic libraries. (a) The immune library requires immunization of camelids over 4 times in 2 months. After sampling 50–100 ml of blood and B lymphocytes isolation, mRNA is extracted [20,21]. Following mRNA conversion, ...
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena Supports open access 7.3CiteScore 2.7Impact Factor Articles & Issues About Publish Order journalSubmit your articleGuide for authors Special issue New Horizons at the Intersections of Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Algorithmic Information Theory Last update 22 Janua...
About the journal New Astronomyaims to publish high quality articles inall areas of astronomy, from the solar system through cosmology, and in all wavelengths from radio to gamma-ray.New Astronomyactively encourages the submission ofobservational, experimental, theoretical, and numerical work, but it...
About the journal New Carbon Materialspublishes original research papers devoted to thephysics, chemistryandtechnologyof the organic substances that are precursors for producing aromatically or tetrahedrally bondedcarbonaceous solids, and of the materials that may be produced from thoseorganic precursors. …...
The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric. Cites per documentYearValue ...
It is vital to promote and optimize the technological innovation efficiency of new energy vehicle (NEV) enterprises for the green transformation of China’s automobile industry. However, China’s NEV enterprises still have problems such as insufficient research of technology and unreasonable innovative ...
Over time, the water penetrates into the system and modifies the characteristics of the gel layer, which becomes thicker, owing to the extension of polymer chains. The thickness of this region is a crucial factor in the drug release process and is largely influenced by the drug dose and ...