Step 5: Impact Factor and Research Visibility The impact factor reflects the visibility of the research published in the World Journal of Physics among peers and researchers. Journals with higher impactfactors often attract more attention, leading to increased exposure for the articles they publish. ...
The space brings to light the essential distinctions between physics journals and shows different level of influence of scientific publishers belonging to different types (professional physics societies, transnational and local publishers). The study of EDFs grouped by publishers reveals two binary ...
Marc Kamionkowski Johns Hopkins University Henry A Rowland Department of Physics and Astronomy, 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, 21218-2680, Maryland, United States Articles Review articleAbstract only Axion astrophysics Pierluca Carenza, ... Oscar Straniero ...
Published under a fast Continuous Article Publishing (CAP) workflow. Editor-in-Chief XinCheng Xie Editorial Director Yanhong Huang Journal Impact Factor 6.4 (2023) 5-year Journal Impact Factor 4.9 (2023) Downloads 224,452 (2024) Societies...
Applies the tools of physics in innovative ways to investigate biological processes, systems, and materials. Publishes Short Notes, Perspectives, Review papers, and original research papers. Editor-in-Chief Sonya Bahar Journal Impact Factor 1.8 (2023) ...
This publication type has been recently changed from "Journal" to "Conference and Proceedings", after receiving a change order by Scopus. We calculate the SJR data for all the publication’s types, but the Quartile’s data are only calculated for Journals and Book Series. Best regards, SC...
number of times they are cited in 2016 based on Google search and the Scholar Citation Index database. If 'X' is the total number of articles published in 2014 and 2015, and 'Y' is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2016 then, impact factor = Y/...
Researchers should consider publishing their work in journals that prioritize accessibility and online dissemination. 5. Citation Practices The number of citations received by a publication directly affects its impact factor. Although the impact factor is based on the average number of citations received...
Offers broad coverage, including hypersonic flows, boundary layer theory, turbulence and hydrodynamic stability, free boundary flows, plasma physics, shock waves, and more. Editor-in-Chief Alexander P. Chupakhin Journal Impact Factor 0.5 (2023) ...
3.0 1.5 Journals Physics SU(2)-Symmetric Exactly Solvable Models of Two Interacting Qubits Physics Physics is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal which presents latest researches on all aspects of physics. It publishes original research articles, review articles, communications with ...