新物理学杂志(New Journal Of Physics)是一本由IOP Publishing Ltd.出版的一本物理-物理:综合学术刊物,主要报道物理-物理:综合相关领域研究成果与实践。本刊已入选来源期刊,该刊创刊于1998年,出版周期Irregular。2021-2022年最新版WOS分区等级:Q2,2023年发布的影响因子为2.8,CiteScore指数6.2,SJR指数1.09。本刊为开放...
We invite all the people around the globe to meet the Renowned scientists, Professor, Assist Professor, Young Research Persons, Delegate Speakers and Research scholars at Experts Meet on Plant science Conference 2022 happening on May 18-19, 2022, Aucklan
Impact of a recharge dam on the hydropedology of arid zone soils in Oman:anthropogenic formation factor. J. Hydrol. Eng. 20 (4), 04014053. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000886. [2] Amineh, Z.B.A., Hashemian, S.J.A.D., Magholi...
We consider a general low energy effective Hamiltonian approach, which includes both standard model and new physics contributions. Within different new physics scenarios, we investigate the impact of the new contributions on these modes and present predictions for various semileptonic q2-spectra. Similar...
This research aims to study the psycho-social impact of video games on K12 students. For this, a probabilistic topic modelling analysis method based on text mining approach has been performed. This process is based on nodes’ connectivity and it has been developed through K Means approach; by ...
2022/08/26 OpenIntro datasets 2022/08/23 Recommendations for qualitative research in five categories 2022/07/13 List of datasets for machine-learning research 2022/07/06 Different parameterizations for one factor ANOVA 2022/07/04 A simple visual alternative to all pairwise comparisons 2022/...
18.6CiteScore 11.7Impact Factor Articles & Issues About Publish Order journalSubmit your articleGuide for authors Special issues and article collections All special issues and article collections This page contains a list of all available article collections, special issues and supplements published within...
The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric. Cites per documentYearValue ...
In recent times, the intersection of nanotechnology and biomedical research has given rise to nanobiomedicine, a captivating realm that holds immense promise for revolutionizing diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in the field of cancer. This innovativ
My research program at the University of Michigan has focused for the past half-century on understanding how consumers form expectations, the accuracy of their expectations, and their impact on shaping macroeconomic trends. Many scholars are skeptical about the ability of consumers to form rational ec...