The ruling will enable the FCCto enact new rules that wouldprevent Internet service providers (ISPs) from manipulating how quickly or slowly sites are transmitted along their networks, a huge win for proponents ofnet neutrality. President Obama issued a statement praising the decision, which he sai...
Net Neutrality Court Ruling Could Cost Consumers, Limit ChoicesLaura Sydell
issued a lengthy statementcalling the ruling “a good win for the country.” He calls net neutrality rules an attempt by the Biden administration to “expand the government’s control over every feature of the Internet ecosystem” and says the push for the rules was a waste of ...
The real problem with Net neutrality advocacy is that it tries to preserve the Internet as it looked in the mid-1990s, author Larry Downes argues.
The meaning of NET NEUTRALITY is the idea, principle, or requirement that Internet service providers should or must treat all Internet data as the same regardless of its kind, source, or destination. How to use net neutrality in a sentence.
Net neutrality pros and cons Advantages of net neutrality Plenty of people still hope to see net neutrality reinstated into the FCC’s jurisdiction as there areseveral benefits to the concept. Here is a summary of the main three: Preservation of free speech.Perhaps an obvious benefit of free ...
Influential UK Telecoms Regulator Reviews status of Net Neutrality in 2023 and guidance on how telecom business can change in 2024 in respect of network management, specialized services and new retail offers.
Network neutrality regulations are intended to preserve the Internet as a non-discriminatory, public network and an open platform for innovation. Whereas the U.S. reversed its regulations in 2017, returning to a less strict regime, the EU has maintained its course and recently revised implementation...
More than four million comments were received by the FCC during its rule-making process, the overwhelming majority of them in favor of net neutrality. Jim Cossler, YBI’s CEO and “chief evangelist,” called the FCC ruling “not only a huge victory” for consumers but for startup communitie...
Net neutrality was passed back and forth between administrations for 15 years, from 2010 to 2025. A federal appeals court finally closed the issue in January 2025, ruling in favor of a trade group that represented ISPs. Though net neutrality is dead in the U.S., it is alive and well els...