In July 2021, in what is seen as the Biden administration gearing up for a Net Neutrality showdown, President Biden signed a wide-ranging order on promoting competition in the American economy that included several Net Neutrality provisions encouraging the FCC to reinstate Net Neutrality rules. In...
Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksDaniel A. Lyons
If you are finding all this chatter about net neutrality a little bit confusing, three porn actresses would like to help you out. In a semi-NSFW video clip byFunny or Diethree adult entertainment actresses have broken down what exactly it will mean if the Federal Communication Commission doesn...
After more than a decade of legal battles and public debate, broadband providers say they also want an open Internet and they have consented to work with the FCC to develop formal rules of the road. But significant disagreement remains over how these Net neutrality rules should be imposed ...
The ruling will enable the FCCto enact new rules that wouldprevent Internet service providers (ISPs) from manipulating how quickly or slowly sites are transmitted along their networks, a huge win for proponents ofnet neutrality. President Obama issued a statement praising the decision, which he sai...
Let's talk about your proposal to rewrite the net neutrality rules. I know you're unhappy with the Title II classification, which applies utility style regulation to broadband. But I was surprised that the proposal also asks whether the "Bright Line" rules that prohibit broadband providers from...
of 1996.[13] As the FCC explained, the net neutrality rules represent the FCC’s “interpretation of sections 201 and 202 in the broadband Internet access context.”[14] Therefore, a violation of the net neutrality rules could also be considered a violation of Section 201 and/or Secti...
Appeals court won’t rehear a challenge to net neutrality rules May 01, 20172 mins news FCC chairman plans to ‘reverse the mistake’ of net neutrality Apr 26, 20174 mins news FCC chairman to announce plans to repeal net neutrality
In a2021 executive order, President Joe Biden called on the FCC to restore net neutrality rules, as well as require ISPs to report their prices and subscription rates directly to the FCC. Biden also championed the revival of the FCC's shelved "Broadband Nutrition Label," a standardized consum...