To say I'm disappointed in the FCC's net neutrality ruling to reclassify broadband Internet service as a utility is an understatement. Actually, I'm appalled. And if you're not appalled, you should be. Every American should be. Once again, you've been had by duplicitous politicians, ...
The meaning of NET NEUTRALITY is the idea, principle, or requirement that Internet service providers should or must treat all Internet data as the same regardless of its kind, source, or destination. How to use net neutrality in a sentence.
"A Proposal for Network Neutrality." In that paper and another published about a year later, "Network Neutrality, Broadband Discrimination," professor Wu described how the growth of homebroadbandhad created a new, difficult regulatory problem. ...
Magid, Larry
The real problem with Net neutrality advocacy is that it tries to preserve the Internet as it looked in the mid-1990s, author Larry Downes argues.
1/2/2025: Court Ruling Kills Net-Neutrality Rules That Were Already Doomed, PCMag I saw the news of this on my way to SFO at the end of holiday family time, then wrote it in the air on our way back to Dulles. 1/3/2025: My 2025 tech resolutions: ditching X, avoiding AI, and ...
08/13/18: State Net Neutrality Regulations Are An Exercise In Futility -Read full story 08/03/18: DOJ and FCC request Supreme Court vacate 2016 net neutrality ruling -Read full story 08/01/18: Utah's Rep. Curtis says it's time to take partisanship out of net neutrality debate -Read ...
Have you heard of net neutrality? Do you know why it should matter to you, not only as a web citizen and consumer, but also as a web professional?
Bruinius, Harry
This would make California the first state to enforce its own net neutrality law in the U.S. The move could open the door for other states to do the same if the FCC doesn't act first. Net neutrality has just scored a major winthanks to a recent federal rulingagainst the injunction to...