While this research was predominantly focused on the event's direct impact on firm value, the efforts of affected firms to limit potential negative spillover effects found less consideration. However, in case of product harm crisis, previous research has pointed out the importance of a firm's ...
In my opinion, celebrity endorsement advertising some of the negative role of examples is as follows: First, when product quality is uncertain celebrity endorsements, celebrity endorsements ads may hurt consumers. In addition, as the star itself will have a bad influence. Because the star is in ...
Measuring the impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer behavioural intentions: a study of Malaysian consumers This paper examines the impact of celebrity endorsement on Malaysian consumers' behavioural intentions. Source attractiveness, source credibility and the f... K Kok Wei,WY Li - 《International...
In the framework, we suggest that negative media sentiment makes the attributes of a friendly takeover, where cooperation and collegiality are present, congruent with the target country desire for social stability, thereby creating legitimacy. On the other hand, the traits of a hostile takeover, w...
Nevertheless, the impact of game addiction has raised an interesting debate among scholars, especially regarding its influence on gamers’ behavior and decision-making. Mobile games are among the many technological advancements that have experienced phenomenal growth (Liao et al., Citation2020). Wijman...
impact冲击,撞击,碰撞;冲击力,撞击力;影响,作用。 severely严格地,严厉地,严重地,严肃地;朴实无华地。 criticize批评,批判;苛求,非难。 penalize对...处刑,规定...应处刑;是不利,对...不公平;处罚。 endorsement背书,签署;赞同,支持;背书保证,找明星代言。 household一家人,家眷,家...
product endorsementinformation transferPurpose – The purpose of this paper is to test empirically the impact of negative information about a celebrity spokesperson on consumers' perceptions of the endorsed brand. In addition, it is the first study to examine the reverse relationship: the impact of ...
Does Gender Impact the Perception of Negative Information Related to Celebrity Endorsers?advertisingcelebrity endorsementgendernegative informationThe study examines the effectiveness of celebrity endorsements by examining how a respondent's gender impacts identification with a celebrity spokesperson and the ...
How does celebrity endorsement influence the attitude towards the brand and how does negative publicity affect this relationship?Hoekman, M.L.L
The impact of a negative information about a celebrity on the image of supported brandcelebrityendorsementnegative informationbrandadvertisingimageDenimal J, Dutrieux G, Bouisset S.Wyczyński,KamilJerzyk,EwaC R Seances Soc Biol FilComptes Rendus Des Séances De La Soc...