(2007). Negative feedback loop in the Bim- caspase-3 axis regulating apoptosis and activity of osteoclasts. J Bone Miner Res 22: 1631-1639.Negative feedback loop in the Bim-caspase-3 axis regulating apoptosis and activity of osteoclasts. Wakeyama H,Akiyama T,Takahashi K, et al. Journal ...
loop n.[C] 1.环形,环状物,圆圈 2.环,圈 3.循环电影胶片,循环音像磁带 4.循环,回路,(程序中一套重复的指令) 5.回线,回路 6.(铁道或公路)环线 v 1.[T]使成 Loop n. (芝加哥的)一商业区名 loop the loop n. 环路火车 for loop 【计】 循环 force feedback 强力反馈 parallel feedback ...
Black came up with a negative feedback loop, which was designated negative in contrast to the snowballing positive loop of the amplifier. 幸好布莱克设计出了一个负反馈回路,它的作用就是用来抵消放大器的正回路所产生的滚雪球效应。 dongxi.net 6. Negative feedback loop---A closed path of action an...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook negative feedback (redirected fromNegative feedback loop) Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Related to Negative feedback loop:Positive feedback loop n 1.(General Engineering) Seefeedback ...
专业医学词典 负反馈圈 与"negative feedback loop"相近的词条 ...
long-loop-negative-feedback网络负回馈回路网络释义 1. 负回馈回路 长的负回馈回路(long loop negative feedback)。因此和脑下垂体有回馈机制的腺体除下视丘外,只要是受脑下腺分泌影的腺 …www.cto.doh.gov.tw|基于4个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
In subject area: Computer Science A negative feedback loop refers to a circuit or mechanism in which the output of a system is used to regulate or suppress its own activity. It can be implemented through repressive or degradation-inducing interactions, and it helps to maintain stability and red...
Instead of targeting Dvl for degradation, ubiquitylation of the DIX domain of Dvl by Huwe1 inhibited Dvl multimerization, which is necessary for its function. Our findings indicate that Huwe1 is part of an evolutionarily conserved negative feedback loop in the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. 展开 ...
–mostfeedbacksystemsinthebodyarenegative –usedforconditionsthatneedfrequentadjustment ••PPoossiittiivveeffeeeeddbbaacckklloooopp –originalstimulusintensified –seenduringnormalchildbirth NegativeFeedbackLoop •Negativefeedbackloopconsistsof: •Receptor-structuresthatmonitoracontrolledconditionanddetectchanges...
negative feedback loop 负反馈环相关短语 Meissner oscillator (电感反馈振荡器) 迈斯纳振荡器 rotor and cone clearance (液环泵) 转子与锥形体间隙 circular prestressing(环向预加应力) 圆周预加应力 scraping edge (活塞环的) 刮油棱缘 naphthene series (环石蜡族) 环烷族 end clearance(活塞环锁口) 端隙 ...