Anatomy of a negative feedback loop: the case of IkappaBalpha. J R Soc Interface. 2015;12:0262.Fagerlund, R. et al. Anatomy of a negative feedback loop: the case of Ikappa- Balpha. J. R. Soc. Interface 12, 0262 (2015).
Anatomy | Definition, Types & Examples Reflex Arc | Definition, Types & Components Compact Bone | Function, Structure & Location Axial and Appendicular Skeletons | Overview & Differences Levels of Organization in the Human Body | Definition & Examples Ovarian Cycle | Definition, Phases & Stages Cre...
In contrast to negative feedback loops, positive feedback loopsamplify their initiating stimuli, in other words, they move the system away from its starting state. What is positive feedback in anatomy? In positive feedback,the body changes from the normal point and amplifies it. Examples include...
right hind paw at 8 weeks after DMM (n = 6 mice per group).kSchematic model of the RANKL-UCHL1-sCD13 negative feedback loop in OA development. In osteoclast precursor cells, RANKL induction leads to UCHL1 expression, subsequently stabilizing CD13, increasing sCD13 release, and trigger...
Sprouty Is a Negative Regulator of Transforming Growth Factor β–Induced Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition and Cataract Eun Hye H Shin,1 M Albert Basson,2 Michael L Robinson,3 John W McAvoy,1 and Frank J Lovicu1 1Anatomy and Histology, Bosch Institute & Save Sight Institute, University of...
Finally, large-scale recordings from the retina may allow functional identification of a large set of different ganglion cell types52, providing a basis for large-scale analyses of functional connectivity, complementing high-resolution measurements of receptive fields53 as well as anatomy-based ...
Based on the androgen receptor (AR) expression, triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) can be subdivided into AR-positive TNBC and AR-negative TNBC, also known as quadruple-negative breast cancer (QNBC). QNBC characterization and treatment is fraught with
CCN5/WISP-2 is an anti-invasive molecule and prevents breast cancer (BC) progression. However, it is not well understood how CCN5 prevents invasive phenotypes of BC cells. CCN5 protein expression is detected in estrogen receptor-α (ER-α) -positive norm
/ 9faIbrE5saItIs; 9faIbrE`saItIs/ n [U] inflammation of the fibrous tissue of the body, esp the muscles of the back, causing severe pain and stiffness 纤维织炎; 肌风湿病. Cf 参看arthritis, rheumatism. fibula / 5fIbjUlE; `fIbjElE/ n (pl fibulae / -li:; -9li/) (anatomy 解) ou...